A/N New Book?

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A/n:Ack, I am so sorry if the previous chapter wasn't my best, you guys deserve so much better than this, but I have had homework on top of homework, and studying. I hope you guys understand, and I hope this offer will make it up to you! I am thinking on creating a new book, dedicated to one character from My Hero Academia! Along with this, I will also be accepting your quirk idea to be the reader's quirk! Don't worry though, even if you aren't picked, I will still incorporate it into the story! I will also accept hero suit suggestions, as well as hero names! So, here's the info you would need to fill out in the comments made below.

Love Interest:
Quirk name:
Quirk description:
Quirk drawbacks:
Hero name:
Hero suit(optional)

And that's it! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you guys consider my offer!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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