Dabi x Reader

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This chapter was requested by our peggingjin. Enjoy!

First Person P.O.V

I huffed as I walked into the League of Villains Hideout, holding all of the bags of groceries. I wasn't a villain, in fact, I supported the heroes, but I still helped the villains out, using my quirk. A healing quirk,which allowed me to heal anyone by pressing my hand to their forehead. Only thing is, I can't heal myself, so lame,and I get tired from overusing it. This however was very useful to them. Also, I was the only one who could buy groceries without getting arrested. I set the bags down, and began unpacking them, setting the items on the table, before putting them away. "Hey, (Y/n) is back!", a shrilly, female voice exclaimed. I turned around, and was tackled in a hug by the sadistic schoolgirl, known as Himiko Toga. I chuckled a little, and patted her back, sitting up. Toga and I were close, since I was pretty much her motherly figure, seeing as her real mom was gone. " Did you buy-?", she was cut off by me pulling out her usual box of pocky from the bag, handing it to her. "Thank you! You're the best, ya know!", Toga exclaimed, hugging me again, before hurrying to her room. I chuckled and continued putting groceries away. A while later, I heard the door open again, and voices fill the air. I turned around and picked up my purse to leave, when I heard the voice of the handsomely burned man, Dabi. " Toga, is (Y/n) still here?", he asked the girl, who had a pocky in her mouth. "Mmph.She's about to. So you better hurry.", she said in a teasing tone, a little muffled by the pocky. He walked to the kitchen, and saw me about to leave, so he reached out and grabbed my hand. " (Y/n). I have to tell you something. I-I.", he stuttered, shocking me. 'He never stutters. What's got him so tongue tied?', I asked myself in my head. "Grr.Why is it so hard to tell you. Toga made it sound so easy!", he shouted, gripping his hair in frustration. I stepped forward and put my hands on his in a gentle way, pulling them down from his head. " Just tell me, ok? No need to stress about it.", I said, staring into his ocean blue eyes. He huffed, and nodded. "Ok. I like you, (Y/n), more than a friend.", he said, in a serious tone. My eyes widened and teared up, making his eyes widen. "Crap, I didn't mean to make you cry. Unless that's because you're disappointed that I'm the one who confessed to you.", he said, not looking away from me. "No, no! That's not the reason! It's just that. I've always wanted to hear you say that, and you did, and I just got really,emotional.", I said, wiping my tears. He sighed in relief, and patted my head. "I've always wanted to say that. Man, I feel so much more relaxed.", he said, resting his head on his hands, which were behind his head. I smiled at him, and pecked his cheek, startling him. "What was that?", he asked, staring down at me. I blushed in embarrassment, and looked away. "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that.", I said, clasping my hands behind my back. Suddenly, two hands placed themselves on the sides of my face, and tugged me forward, my lips meeting someone's lips. I opened my eyes, and saw Dabi kissing me with his eyes closed. We pulled away and I rested my hands on his shoulders, enjoying the moment. Until we heard a certain schoolgirl giggling." Twice! They got together! You owe me 2,000 yen!", she yelled, eliciting a groan from the said villain. Dabi turned towards her, glaring. "Tch, you wack job.", he said, before facing me. After that, we were happy.

(Time skip 2 years)

I now lived with the League of Villains, at the insistence of Dabi, who wanted me to be closer to him, just in case something happened. I was sitting at one of the tables, playing cards with Toga and Twice, who was winning, when we heard the door open. I looked up and saw Dabi with a woman, which I recognized as an upcoming villain named Moltra, her quirk was similar to Dabi's, with the only difference being that she used magma instead of fire. " Hey Dabi! Is this a new recruit?", I called out, but he ignored me, instead talking to the woman. "Hey, Dabi? Who's that?", Moltra asked, glancing at me and him. "Doesn't matter.", he said, pulling her along to where Shigaraki was. I felt my heart start to crack, and I looked down at my lap, playing with my fingers, and trying not to cry. Toga looked at Twice, then looked at me, and stood up, walking over to me, and wrapping her arms around me, and comforting me. " You know he's an idiot for saying that. Then again, he's always an idiot. Especially when it comes to planning. Don't worry, I'll talk to him.", she said, standing up, and walking to where Dabi and Moltra had went. Twice looked over at me, and nodded, standing up and walking to the bar, pouring something in a glass, then placing it in front of me. I thanked him, and took a sip of it, the cool liquid running down my throat, relaxing me. I exhaled and glanced at where Toga had went, when I heard a scream and yelling. Twice and I stood up and ran into the room, seeing Toga cowering away from a furious Dabi, while the new villainess was trying to restrain him. "Dabi! What are you doing! Leave her alone!", I yelled, standing in front of Toga, my arm out to my side, in front of the teen, in an attempt to protect her. Dabi finally broke free and walked towards me, filling me with fear. " What are you doing here, huh? Can't you take a hint? Get out of here! We don't need you, and I don't need you!", he shouted in my face, but I remained where I was. "I don't know why you're so upset, but you need to calm down, ok? Please, you're scaring Toga, and I don't like that.", I pleaded, with a firm look on my face. He yelled and summoned some flames in his hand, before bringing it across my face, making me scream out and fall to the floor, gingerly holding my face. Dabi dispersed the flames and looked down at me in shock, glancing between me and his hand. Moltra and Toga rushed forward and knelt next to me. " (Y/n)? Are you ok? Please, look at us!", Toga cried out, but when I turned to them, she gasped and her eyes widened. I looked at my reflection in the glass of the window, and nearly screamed again. There was a large burn mark on the side of my face, scarring it a dark blue. I stood up shaking, and looked at Dabi. "Fine then. I-I see how much you want me gone. And now I'll see how much you want me gone, for the rest of my life, everytime I look in the mirror. So, goodbye, Dabi.", I said, rushing out the door, and grabbing a bag and packing it hurriedly, before running out of the Hideout, not bothering to wipe my tears.

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