Levi x Reader

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This was a special request from peggingjin

First Person P.O.V

I jumped onto the next rooftop, panting heavily as I tried to outrun the Titan chasing me. All of my squad members had been wiped out, and now I was next. I grunted as I tripped over a loose roof shingle, and flipped onto my back, putting my hands in front of my face, and screamed as I felt the Titan hand wrap itself around my body, slightly crushing it. I waited for sweet death, when I felt the hand loosen, and arms snatch me up as I fell. I opened one eye, which made me widen both eyes as I saw who it was. Captain Levi Ackerman,my husband. "Tch,you idiot. Why aren't you more careful?", he asked, as he landed on a bell tower, and set me down. I looked down, biting my lip and fighting back tears. " I lost my entire team, Levi.", I said, wrapping my arms around myself, my tears finally falling. He stood there, staring at me, a look of realization visible. He wrapped me in a tight hug, and gently stroked my hair, beginning to tremble. "You-you were planning on killing yourself, weren't you? You idiot! Didn't you think about me, about what I would think?! About what I would do?!", he shouted, pulling away and gripping my shoulders. I cried silently, and nodded. His eyes widened and he hugged me again, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks.

(Time skip)
Third Point P.O.V

A small black haired girl ran to a (H/c) haired woman, who was standing with a black haired man, smiling. " Momma! Look! A ladybug!", the girl shouted, holding her hand out. The woman smiled and knelt down, nodding. "Oh, what a pretty bug!", (Y/n) exclaimed. The man smiled down at his wife and daughter, and knelt next to his wife. " May I see too,Emery ?", Levi asked, smiling at his daughter's happiness. She nodded, and held it out to him. It had been 8 years since the end of the Titans, and Humanity's Greatest Win. Everything was peaceful now, with everyone living outside the walls. Levi and (Y/n) lived near the beach, and in a forest, in complete tranquility, and had a daughter, named Emery Ackerman, who was 6 years old. Eren and Mikasa lived near by, as well as Armin.
'They lived happily ever after'

(Sorry if this is kind of short(like Levi), my brain is fried after school😅, but I hope you still enjoyed it!)

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