Mitsuba x Reader

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Hey guys! This chapter was requested by Softsmol_bean! Enjoy! (Also, happy birthday to Gintoki Sakata, Naruto Uzumaki, and Yuu Nishinoya!🎂🎁🎂🎁🎂🎁) (This is late, I know😅)

(First Person P.O.V)
I skipped happily through the school hallways to art class, when I bumped into someone, there two of us falling backwards. I sat up and crawled over to the person I knocked over, and almost gasped in shock when I saw it was my crush, Sousuke Mitsuba, from the photography club. "Oh gosh, um, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?", I asked, hovering my face over his, his face flushing as he sat up fast, me barely moving out of the way in time. " Yeah! I'm ok. How about you?", he asked, rubbing the back of his head. I blushed once I realized his full attention was on me, and I stuttered out my answer."O-oh, I-I'm fine. It's my fault anyway for n-not looking where I was. Again, im sorry!", I exclaimed, bowing deeply towards him, which made him giggle and lift me up. "It's fine! Hey, where were you headed?", he asked, putting one hand on his hip. "Oh, I was going to art class.What about you?", I asked, gripping my bag strap, waiting for an answer. "Oh, what a coincidence!I was going to art class as well!Before you ask why,I just thought I would try something new, ya know?", he said, rubbing the back of his head while giggling nervously. I smiled and nodded, before taking his hand and rushing to art class. We walked inside and he immediately started marveling some of the paintings and sculptures, and I smiled and told him who created each of them. "And who painted this one! It's so pretty!", he gushed, standing in front of a canvas that had a painting of the school garden at sunset." T-that was me.", I stuttered, as my crush had just complimented my painting."Wow! You're so talented!It looks so realistic, like a photograph I would take!", he exclaimed, fawning over my painting still. I blushed a deep red, and covered my face, before pulling him along gently to two easels."Let's start!", I said, while everyone else arrived, going to their easels. He nodded, smiling, and began to paint.

(Time skip a few days)
After a while, I tried looking at his painting, which he spun the easel gently to keep me from seeing. "Hey! Can I see what you're painting?", I asked, a little upset. He giggled and shook his head. " Not yet, I haven't even finished it yet silly! I'll show you it as soon as I finish it, ok?", he said, smiling. I pouted, but nodded.

Mitsuba's P.O.V

I looked at her soft, (h/c) hair, and her cute pout that appeared on her face. I smiled to myself and returned to my painting, and began to start the flowers, her kind face engraved in my mind while I started painting her. I had feelings for her ever since she bumped into me in the hallway, and yes I know that was only a few days ago. But I couldn't help but fall in love with her warm, (e/c) eyes and cute smile. I can't wait to give her my painting, when it's done.

(Time skip)

We've been walking with each other for a few weeks now, and he still won't show me his painting. Then again, I'm not letting him see my art either, so I guess it's fair. Today, however, I decided to show him what I had painted. I waited excitedly by our usual easels, when the teacher walked in, a solemn look on her face."Class.I have a very sad announcement to make.One of our students has passed away in an accident this morning, on his way to school.", my heart froze as I heard the news.'No, it can't be him.There's no way it's him! I just saw him yesterday! He was smiling, and we walked home together!', I thought to myself, tears welling up in my eyes. "His name was Sousuke Mitsuba.He was new to art class,but one of our best, I must say.It is a very sad day.", he said, staring at the class.Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and my paintbrush clattered onto the floor from my hand, making everyone look at me. I clasped my hands around my mouth, and ran out and into the hallways, the teacher and class calling after me. I ran and ran through the halls, before finally stopping outside at the garden, where flowers were blooming beautifully in the sun's soft glow. I let everything out by the flowerbed, tears streamed down my face and fell onto the floor, large droplets of water. I heard the bell ring, and footsteps leave the school, but I heard a pair that sounded familiar, and very close behind me." (Y/n)", I spun around, hope filling me, only to be replaced with disappointment, as I saw one of my classmates holding a canvas in their hands."Hey.Im really sorry for your loss, I knew you were very close. I was stopped by your art teacher, and he told me to give you this. He said it was Mitsuba's.", my blue haired classmate said, holding the canvas out to me, which I took with trembling fingers. I looked at the painting, and choked back a sob when I saw what it was. It was a painting of me, in front of the flower bed,smiling while the background sunset cast a soft glow on me. I gingerly held the painting, and I noticed that Aoi had walked away, meeting up with Nene, my other classmate. I looked down at the painting, and began to cry again, unaware that a pink haired boy was watching from afar, his heart aching from sadness.
'I'm sorry, (Y/n)'

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