L X Reader

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peggingjin requested this chapter! Enjoy!

(F/p) = Favorite pastry
(D/O/B) =Date of Birth

First Person P.O.V

I trudged down the hallway of the Investigation Building, holding a tall stack of papers and files, feeling like the worst version of myself. L forgot my birthday, which I wouldn't have minded. If it wasn't the 4th time in a row. I sighed and kicked open the door to the main investigation room, and plopped the stack onto a nearby table, ready to walk out, when L called me over. "Hey, (Y/n). I gotta tell you something, I almost forgot.", he said, leaning in closer to me, my heart skipping a beat. 'He remembered!', I thought in my head. Key word:thought." Can you bring us some coffee? We're running low.", he asked, suddenly pulling away and stirring some sugar into his tea. I scoffed and stood up straight, turning on my heel and walking out with a hmph, passing by a confused Light Yagami. "Why's she mad?", he asked L, who only shrugged. "You two don't remember? It's her birthday. Everyone else remembered. Except you", Matsuda said, speaking up from his desk. " Huh? Her birthday? But that isn't until-IT IS (D/O/B)!", L exclaimed, startling Light, who was standing near L. L stood up straight on accident, and inhaled sharply at how it hurt his shoulders, which were always slouched, then hurried out of the building. He then walked to a certain shop.

(Time skip)
First Person P.O.V
I sat in my temporary room at the investigation building, and rested my eyes as I sighed, trying to calm down, which sent my mood through the roof when someone knocked on my door. "What is it now!?", I shouted, my arm draped over my eyes, as I heard no response and the door click open. I felt my bed shift as someone sat down, and I felt a cold hand place itself on my arm. I opened my eyes a crack, and saw L looking down at me with a sad look. " I'm sorry if I forgot your birthday, again. I hope this makes it up to you", he said, placing a small platter on my bedside table. I glares up at L, then looked over at the platter, my glare fading into a smile. "You bought me (F/p)?!", I exclaimed, picking up the platter. He nodded, and hugged me, with me hugging back.
'Happy birthday (Y/n)'

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