chapter 2

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liked by rileypb, matthew_tkachuk, johngaudreau03 and 142,449 others

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liked by rileypb, matthew_tkachuk, johngaudreau03 and 142,449 others

emcampbell ooh @austonmatthews getting hate...
tagged: rileypb

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username1: no way bruh
view 13 comments

username2: is she shading him or just reminding him?
username5: seems like shade 😗
236 likes - reply
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username3: no one can replace her! NO ONEEEE she's the QUEENNN
username8: lmao
3,895 likes - reply
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username4: damn I thought they were friends
emcampbell: with definition 'friends' I would say opponent
•• username9: 😳😵😵
7,800 likes - reply
view 388 comments

rileypb: tea ☕️
emcampbell: ☕️☕️☕️☕️

username5: she really just did that didn't she?
449 likes - reply
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username6: who took the pic?
view 55 comments

username7: she's the qUeEnnnn!!

matthew_tkachuk: my friend is getting hate...
emcampbell: what happened with 'friend' I thought u guys were best friends...
•• username3: legit she's shading auston
38,109 likes - reply
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johngaudreau03: let me join in!
emcampebell: come on!!!!
627 likes - reply
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username8: there's gonna be some drama soon.....
17,593 likes - reply
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username10: flames gonna take the cup! I believe!!
view 67 comments

justinbieber: ooh my guy?
emcampbell: u sure about that?
view 23,988 comments

username11: why's this girl shading auston too bad?! 😮
username12: lets just say he pulled down his pants to a security woman while drunk
username11: WHAT?!!!
view 2,684 comments

haileybieber: loving your hair ❤️😩
emcampbell: don't 🙄 yours are gorgeous!!! 🥰
•• haileybieber: 😛😘

username12: this is the reason why I love this woman...
username4: ikr! she's a SaVaGe

emcampbell liked rileypb, matthew_tkachuk, johngaudreau03, justinbieber, haileybieber, username3, username7, username9, username10 and username11 comments

justinbieber, rileypb, sebastianstan and more liked this photo

UPDATE: this is cringe

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