chapter 30

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emersen's pov:

Yesterday was the best.

Riley and Sebastian had gotten married and it was adorable and beautiful to watch them. Although, I would say their parents were crying throughout the wedding and honestly, it started to get funny. And about Connor and I, well, we're still going strong.

A month ago at night, we finally said 'I love you' to each other and I didn't regret it as well as with him. And we managed to still keep our relationship private since it wasn't that big of a deal.

Although, we were the biggest rivals in hockey and I guess not anymore. But to the people of hockey, yes.

"Hey, babe. Do you think we should tell our relationship to the world?" He asked, nervously and I lifted my forehead as I stared at him, amused.

"Is this about the game we have tomorrow?" I crossed my arms and Connor scoffed, quietly.

"Nooo." He looked away and I sat beside him, smiling. I chuckled, "Baby, don't be like this."

He frowned and looked at me as he tucked in my hair behind my ear. "Why would I be like this?"

"Cause you're acting weird all of the sudden." I raised my eyebrow and he smiled, placing his hand on my warm cheek.

"That's because of you, Em," he said and I frowned.

What did he mean by that.

"And what I mean by that is you always make me nervous."

I softened and grinned as I felt my cheeks redden and suddenly, I looked away from his gaze on me. He brushed away my hair on my face and lifted up my chin, so we can meet face to face.

He slowly jerked his head closer and I gulped as I slammed my lips onto his. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist very tightly as I sat on his lap, straddling him. He entered in my mouth and I grabbed his hair into a fist as he took off my shirt, still not breaking the kiss. I shortly zipped off his jeans and he pushed it forward to his legs as we pulled away from the kiss, panting harshly.

We brightened at each other and made eye contact as Connor took off my black laced bra with one hand. I pecked his lips and wrapped my arms around his back as he lifted me up to my bedroom.

As we made it, he locked the door and dropped me on the bed hard as I laughed. He stepped closer to the bed and unbuttoned his white shirt as I bit my lip and peeked through his lust eyes.

He slowly came and jerked his head closer to my face as he slammed his lips onto mine. I opened my long tanned legs as he pushed his bulge closer to my core.

I moaned lowly against the kiss and grabbed his arms as he took off my pants and black panties. He pulled away from my lips as he pecked my neck and then bit it at my sensitive spot. I moaned loudly and he finally took off his boxers. Connor pecked my lips gently as he entered in and I bit my lower lip hard that I could taste the blood.

Oh, god.


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