chapter 9

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emersen's pov:

"LET'S GO, BOYS!" I screamed at the rest of the flames.

I walked up to Matthew and did the handshake that we did before every single game.

If people thought Matthew were dirty when they played, they were almost surprised to see that I, the simple regular girl, was the dirtiest of them all.


I walked around to the rest of the players hyping each other up for a game against the Edmonton Oilers. It was a big game to win to prove that the Flames were good enough to beat the best team in the league.

The flames stepped on the ice and the Scotiabank Saddledome erupted into cheers. The energy was unmatched. I loved living and playing in Calgary more than anything.

Part of the reason I was such a goon was to take the attention off of the really skilled players like Sean Monahan and Johnny Gaudreau and I happened to be pretty good at it. After all, that's why I was put on a line with Johnny.

That's also why, skating everywhere on the ice, focusing on the puck and trying to push the guys who wouldn't even pay attention to the puck but only push the guys in front of them, just to manage to piss them off.

As the puck got stuck between the corner, Leon Draisaitl came up to me and tried to manage to make me fall by shoving me hard. We made eye contact and I gave him 'are you serious?' look. He chuckled like he actually doesn't care.

I lifted my eyebrow and skated shortly to him as he runs off somewhere and I pushed him hard.

He looked around, amused as he slashed my arm with his stick and I rolled my eyes, not feeling the pain.

I had worse.

"Wanna say something, Campbell?" He yelled and I smirked, shaking off my gloves as I was trying to give him a clue. And it worked.

He kept going on and on with the chirps and the little jabs of crosschecks in the ribs.

"Let's go, Draisaitie." I stated, grabbing onto him.

I felt arms wrap around me and me being pulled away from Draisaitl. I squirmed in whoever's arms I was in.

"Let me the fuck go. All he does is talk. Drop the mitts, Draisaitl." I yelled.

I was shushed by whoever was restricting me. Immediately, I could tell that it was none of my teammates.

"Calm down, Campbell." I turned around in his grasp to see Connor McDavid. I tried to push him away, but he had me in his arms very tightly.

"Let me go, McDavid." I said in a very fake nice way.

Then, I heard a whistle before the soft screeches of the ice became heard and the referees arrived, splitting us apart. I took off to the bench, delighted and Matthew raised his eyebrow justifying what happened there and I shook my head, not requiring to talk about it.

I sat on the bench and felt a hand on my shoulder. Immediately, I knew it was Matthew and I turned my head to make eye contact with him as I amusedly sipped a gulp of water from bottle.

"Do I need to kick his ass? What did he say?" He asked, being the overprotective brother he was.

I shook my head quickly and looked away as I glimpsed at the guys, scampering swiftly with the puck.

It was satisfying to watch this, listening to the sounds of the ice and the puck bouncing off the board.

The couch patted my back informing me that I need to go back to the ice and I shortly hopped over the fence.

Skating over to the Oilers' side, Sean Monahan looked around before pasting the puck to me and I quickly passed it through the Oilers' guys who were in front of the net. And it swiftly past to the net.

The next thing I know, the crowd burst into cheers and I yelled in excitement before taking off my mouthguard and burst into smiling, proudly of myself.

The flames came up to me, grinning and patted the helmet as we hugged and we shortly pulled away before skating to the rest of the team, swatting their gloves.

Matthew makes a weird funny face and I laugh as I sat down beside him. He then shook my shoulders and I smiled but quickly stopped when I felt a stare gazing at me.

I couldn't know who but it was weird. A weird stare.

I shook my head and got out of being zoned out and started to feel stupid of myself thinking someone could be staring at me.

You're delusional, Emersen. Don't be stupid.

This goal was always happiness for my family. Always and always.


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