chapter 24

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emersen's pov:

"Hi, Mom!" I heartily told her and hugged her shortly as I grinned, lovingly.

Oh, it's been a long time since I've seen them.

We pulled away shortly after and I glanced at Connor, however, his hand in mine as my parents took a look at him and he stared at me nervously.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, "So, who is this loving boy?"

Mom spoke up, scrolling her eyes up and down on Connor and I blushed, "Mom, Dad. This is Connor, my boy-friend. My friend. Connor, this is my parents."

He nodded and smiled as he shook my parents' hands. "It's nice to meet you, sir and ma'am."

My mom shook her head and scoffed as she threw her hand dramatically, "Oh, honey. Call us Mark and Emelia."

She beamed and I glimpsed at Connor, who didn't seem to take off his gazes on me. I felt like my cheeks redden and avoided his gaze as I snatched his arm and wrapped mine around his, spotting my head on his shoulder.

"Oh wait, where's Miles?" I asked and Connor looked confused. Dad pointed to the wall upstairs, "He's upstairs, darling."

I smirked as an idea came up in my head. "Oohh. I'm gonna surprise him."

Mom makes an anxious face and I giggled. "Don't worry, mom. I won't kill him."

She crossed her arms together, lifting her eyebrow and I bit my lip, stepping closer to the stairs. I ran upstairs and smirked as I made it to Miles' room.

"I'm warning you, Emersen." Mom yelled and I rolled my eyes.

I slowly squeezed my hand on the knob and slowly open the door as I gently hopped on the floor, attempting not to make a noise.

He had headphones on as well as probably fiddling on his phone. I pop out my head and peeked at him as I tried to get a decent view.

I put out my hands and ran to him, trembling the bed, "BOO!"

He shrieked as he leaped and fell down on the bed, his head beside his closet door. I laughed, loudly as I held my stomach. I sat on his bed as he attempted to get up, clasping his chest.

"What the hell, Emersen? Are you crazy? You could've gave me a heart attack." Miles exclaimed and I cackled as he sat on his chair.

You're evil sometimes.

I sigh deeply and stared at him, "Come downstairs. There's a guest I've brought."

He groaned loudly, "Is it Riley?"

I shook my head and smiled.

"Who is it?"

I shrugged and he shook his head, swivelling himself to the laptop in front of him. "Then, I'm not going."

I smirked, "He's a hockey player."

He immediately turned around and pushed me away as he ran downstairs. I chuckled as I followed him. He smiled happily.

Little did I know, he was a huge fan of hockey and he wished one day he could an hockey player. One day. And I believed it.

He gasped loudly, grabbing everyone's attention and he stepped closer to Connor. He frowned and stared at me. I giggled but immediately halted when Miles hugged Connor unexpectedly.

Connor lifted his forehead and hugged him back. I crossed my arms as Mom and Dad glanced at them, grinning.

After a minute, Miles finally pulled away and I quickly ran to him and clasped his shoulder. Connor smiled and Miles widened his eyes.

"Connor, this is my brother. Miles, this is your dream come true." Miles stared at me and grinned, proudly as he hugged me. I stuttered then hugged him later shortly as I patted his back. He yanked away quickly and tossed me a weird confusion face. He accordingly turned around and pointed at us, "Wait."

I frowned and glanced at Connor as he already kept his gaze on me. "I thought you guys were rivals."

I expanded my eyes and Mom and Dad stared at us, filled with confusion. I bit my lip as Connor chuckled and kneeled down as he jerked his head to Miles' ear. He whispered quietly something to his ear and Miles gasp, staring at me.

I bit my lip then again and looked at Connor as I threw him a meanest glared could give him. He completely took away my badass attitude. Connor smirked and Miles left and sat beside Mom and Dad, leaving alone Connor and me.

"What did you tell him?" I hissed at him and he shushed me, placing his index finger on my lip. I bit my lip and he swipes across his thumb onto it, pulling it away.

He jerked his head to my neck and softly pecked it. I moaned quietly and he later moved his head to my ear, "That we fuck each other."

I gasp quietly and he left, leaving me to go see my family in the living room. I stood there frozen and later shook my head hard as I followed him into the living room.


"Ok, dinner's ready." Mom said, heartily and I smiled, glancing at the delicious food. I peeked at Connor and he smiled, positioning his hand on my lower thigh.

Food is my goddess.

"Oh the food looks delicious, Emelia." Connor smiled as he looked at my mom and she thanked him. She later looked at me and mouthed at me, 'he's so sweet'. I grinned and nodded as I acknowledged.

He was the cutest and loving person I've ever met. It was possible to have a guy like him. He's wonderful.

I dug in and ate a piece of rice and chicken with vegetables. I moaned, almost loudly but I didn't care. The food in front of me was like the god and I wondered how my mom made it. I have to steal her recipe book.

I heard Connor moved a couple of times and I frowned but let go when I ate the fried chicken. He then slowly moved his hand on my thigh higher and I widened my eyes, feeling scared.

He moved closer and closer until he reached my core and slid away from the panties. He teasingly rubbed it slowly and I moaned quietly as I shut my eyes close.

Oh, god.

He halted shortly then and I instantly opened my eyes, glancing at Connor who's smirking like a bastard he is! I rolled my eyes and slide back my panties as I ate the vegetables, annoyed.

I'll get you, Connor. I will.


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