chapter 39

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emersen's pov:

It's been a while since the manager had traded our captain.

Well, ex-captain. For 6 months.

We needed some changes and we got good players. We also thought it would bring us together, the team and to the playoffs. Right now, we're competing the Bruins, and we couldn't been any more happier that we finally it to the playoffs with our best players and without the captain.

"Today is the start of a long battle and with the way you guys have been playing, I think we could have a pretty good chance at bringing the cup home this year. But, I'm not going to be giving you your game speech today." Coach said and looked at me with a smile. I frowned and the team's general manager, Brad Treliving started speaking.

"For a while we've been without a Captain, but when Emersen showed up, the space was immediately filled. Although, we had a few problems at the start of the year." Treliving said looking at Matthew as everyone else did also.

He just held his hands up in surrender before throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Quickly, Emersen became a leader of this team, that's why, we've decided to officially make Emersen team Captain." He finished and I looked at him in shock. The guys all cheered as I just looked around, not sure how to respond to this news. I shook Coach's and Brad's hands, before Matthew pulled me into a hug, handing me my Jersey.

"Team speech!" Monahan yelled cupping his hands around his mouth and I chuckled, humbled to have been chosen for such an important job.

"Okay, well first off, I just want to thank you guys, you accepted me the second I met you all, I didn't have to fight for my right to be here... much." I said and Matthew glanced down but I smiled at him gently and carried on. "Second, we're here, we are in the playoffs and there is no way in hell I am letting the Bruins beat us. We've got to fucking focus and keep to the game plan, this about out tactics. We have to go out there and fucking destroy them and nothing less. You guys got it?" I asked and everyone roared, agreeing. I just nodded, pulling my jersey over my head.

"Well, let's fucking kick some ass!" I yelled into the changing rooms and the guys all jumped to their feet. When we took to the ice, Calgary seemed to light up, the whole stadium erupted in cheers and I choked back the lump in my throat as I stood proud.

"That C looks ten times better on you that it would look on any of us." Matthew whispered looking at me and I just smirked as I nudged his arm before the National Anthem was sung.

It was my first playoffs and I was determined we were going to win that cup, so I stayed away from Marchand unless he had the puck. Johnny, Sean and I worked hard in the first two periods, in the last Matt did the dirty work with a lot of help from Milan. In the end, we won the game 4-1 and I was really proud of my guys and the way we had played.

"Pasta was really going for it." Dave said flopping back on his bench and I just smiled as I looked at him.

"You did amazing. You all did amazing, we've just gotta keep that up for the next few weeks." I said eyeing everyone who nodded. Once we were all dressed and the media swarmed me about my new Captain ship.

I tiredly waited for Connor who was coming back to mine.

"C'mon then you little devil." He said and I rolled my eyes as he threw an arm around my shoulder and we made our way to my car. Connor climbed into the drivers seat and I was thankful I didn't have to drive. "Emersen." He said quietly and I turned to him, he was staring at the steering wheel. "I've been thinking a lot about the way I treated you when we first met together face to face." He said and as I was about to speak but he kept going.

"I was a shitty person for treating you like that, you needed a place to feel happy. It must have been difficult for you and your past. We all have different ones, but it's different when you really love someone and you have to give up on that, because you know it's what's best. So, I'm sorry for treating you like shit, that wasn't very opponent of me." He said and I placed a hand on his hand which was laid on his thigh, he looked at me and I smiled at him gently.

"Connor, you are allowed to have your opinions. It was really hard for me to fully settle down, knowing you didn't like me. But look at us now. People and things develop, we're not in that situation anymore. We're here, right now." I whispered and he looked over my face for a second before gently resting his hands on my cheek, grazing his thumb just under my eye. I smiled at him and leaned forward, resting my forehead against his.

"These moments mean more and more every time we have them and it's starting to scare me." Connor whispered and I closed my eyes, a feeling of guilt rushing over me, but before I could pull away, his lips were on mine and I couldn't help but melt into the soft kiss.

He was my everything.


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