chapter 21

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emersen's pov:

I giggled loudly as he pecked my forehead and I squirmed in his arms which he held me very tightly. I blushed, avoiding his gaze at me. He then lifted up my chin and we look at each other as we slammed our lips together. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he escaped from my lips to my neck. He bit softly and pecked at my neck as I then grabbed his shoulder when he kissed my sensitive spot. I moaned loudly and instantly hushed as we heard a knock coming from my door.

"Em?" Riley knocked one more time and I stuttered, gently shoving Connor to hide in my closet. He widened my eyes and gave me a 'are you serious" look as he shook his head and I glared at him, shushing him.

"Em, are you ok?" She asked and I shut the closet door before placing on my shirt and quickly rubbing it, getting rid of the wrinkles.

I sigh deeply and shortly opened the door glimpsing Riley providing me with a strange look. I awkwardly chuckled as she came in and took a look at my room.

"I thought I just heard you moan?" She crosses her arms and I scratched the back of my neck as I pointed at my laptop.

"Oh, um, I-I was just watching porn," I said. Riley lifted her eyebrow. "You know."

Please believe the lie. Believe the lie. Believe the lie.

I gestured my head around and she nodded, finally knowing what I was talking about.

She walked closer to the door and hesitated as she provided a glimpse, "I'm making dinner and was wondering if you wanna be there."

I quickly nodded, "Oh, of course. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

I heard a clink loudly and Riley frowned, glancing everywhere gaping what was the sound and I broadened my eyes.

"I mean 45 minutes, sorry." I imitated and Riley nodded, still confused. She then gave me a small smile before finally evacuating the room.

I immediately ran to the door and locked it, letting out a breath I didn't know I kept in. Connor eventually came out and he smirked. "You dumbass! You could've been caught! What the hell is wrong with you?"

I hissed at him and Connor stepped closer, positioning his hand on my neck as I walked back to the wall.

"Everything, Emersen. Everything." He whispered and I blushed, still peeking at him as he gripped tighter onto my neck.

He then picked me up in a bridal style and I squealed, slamming my fists to his back. He plopped me hard on the bed and I nervously bit my nails as he slowly took off his shirt.

He moved closer his head as he jerked his head to my ear, "I'll make you regret saying that, Emersen or there will be consequences."

I bit my lip and he groaned, "Don't bite your lip again or I'll go hard on you."

My badass attitude was completely gone once the look on him made me crazy and my kiss with him and his gaze on me every time he would stare at me or look at each other.

I smirked evilly as I bit my lip again and Connor lifted his eyebrow. He was almost naked compare to me who's lying down on the bed, watching him getting sexually frustrated by me. He took off my leggings and moved his head closer to mine as he kissed my lips and I smile against it.

"Get ready for this, Em. Cause you'll be suffering after we're done." I widened my eyes as he sneered, gazing at me while lifting off my shirt.

I'm starting to regret this now.


riley's pov:

"What is going on?" I said, with a bit of annoyance and concerned as we've sat here on the table waiting for Emersen to come out.

It's been an hour since she said she would come back for dinner.

Although, she said 45 minut-

"I'm so sorry, you guys! I've been busy on some work." Emersen finally came and glanced at me with sorriness.

I gave her a small smile, "It's ok, hon. Now that everyone's here, we can finally eat."

I'm kinda worried about Emersen. We haven't been almost talking these days and it's like she's been so distant from now on. Something about her has changed.

I felt a hand on my lower thigh and I looked at Sebastian, "It's ok, babe. Just talk to her after the dinner."

He whispered and I nodded, understanding what he was talking about. I gave him a 'thank you' look before taking a bite of Lasagna.

I was pretty good on Lasagna.

After the dinner was done, I walked up to Emersen sitting down peacefully on her phone.

"Hey." I said, trying to grab her attention and it worked as always.

"Oh hi, Riley. What's up?"

"Oh nothing..." I paused. "Um. I just need to talk to you about something."

She nodded, waiting for me to continue. "You know, we've been so distant from each other-"

She interrupted me by caressing me and I lifted my forehead with confusion as I hugged her back, proudly as we're going back to our ways.

"I'm sorry, Riley for not talking to you. I have been so caught up on work and hockey. I'm so sorry, forgive me?" She pleaded and I grinned, nodding.

"Oh, thank you! You're the best, Riley." She smiled as she brushed away my hair to the back of my ear.

"Hey! What about me?" Matthew grimaced, bridging his arms and I snickered, capturing a glare from him.

"Never." Em mumbled, getting on back to her phone and I laughed as Matt scoffed loudly before placing his hand on his chest dramatically.

"You're mean." He pouted and I chuckled as Emersen rolled her eyes before smiling innocently.

What a weird family?


and i oop-

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