Chapter 14

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A couple weeks pass into October and those couple of weeks aren't so bad. Sure, I have to deal with the occasional name calling from Kyle, but I'm already used to that, so it doesn't bother me. What is disappointing is that Lexy isn't able to come out to stay because her moms are so busy with work, they can't drive her. Instead of asking Derrick to pick her up and bring her to our place, we decide it'll be easier overall for me to go stay with Lexy for a weekend. I'm still excited that I get to see her again since it's been over a month since the last time, but I am disappointed that she and Simon won't have the chance to meet so soon.

Derrick drives me Friday evening, the day before Halloween. The moment we walk into Lexy's house, it feels like home again. Everything smells the same as it always has, like incense, which is a smell that I really enjoy. It's almost like the past couple of months since I was here last never even happened.

Lexy throws her arms around me and gives me a tight hug. I don't think I'll ever get tired of hugging Lexy, it just feels so good after so long of not seeing her.

"This weekend is gonna be a blast!" she exclaims as she leads me to her bedroom. "We're gonna go trick-or-treating tomorrow—"

"We are?" I cut her off. She never mentioned that. Isn't that more for little kids than teenagers?

"Hell yeah, we are! I'm not passing up free candy, are you nuts?"

I can't help but laugh. "I just thought we're getting too old for that, you know?"

"No, never. I personally believe you can trick-or-treat at any age. What's the harm in it?"

"I don't have a costume," I point out.

"Then we'll go buy one tomorrow! I'd say Momma could make you one but it's a little too late for that," Lexy replies. "I'm going as Princess Bubblegum. I figured it's the perfect costume considering my hair is hot pink. You know...I bet we could go to a thrift store and find a grey suit and grab some of that temporary hairspray dye and dress you up as Matt Murdock."

That would certainly be a fitting character, I suppose, and not the worst thing to dress up as. "Well, Daredevil is my favorite superhero," I reply and Lexy practically squeals in delight.

She claps her hands and says, "Then it's decided! You'll be Daredevil and I'll be Princess Bubblegum. What an interesting duo."

"You know, most kids our age are going to Halloween parties and getting drunk off their asses," I say, to which Lexy scoffs in response.

"So? Free candy or beer? I think I know which one I prefer."

"Yeah, same."

"So..." Lexy pauses as we move to sit on her bed and she grabs my hands in hers. "How are things with Simon?"

"Pretty much the same as always."

Lexy emits a whine at that. "Aw, really? You mean now that he knows you're gay he hasn't said or done anything that makes you think he might like you? Nothing at all?"

"Not really," I admit. Since Simon and I came out to each other, I feel like we have grown closer as friends, but Simon hasn't done or said anything to my knowledge that would make me think he likes me as more than a friend. "The only thing I noticed that's different is when we walk together. He used to lead me around by letting my hold his arm and now he's gotten into this habit of holding my wrist instead." Not that I have an issue with that. It works just as effectively and it is more enjoyable, admittedly.

Lexy gasps. "You know what that means, don't you?" I shake my head. I have no idea. "It means he wants to hold your hand, but he's too shy to do it."

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