Chapter 16

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It's Wednesday, now the week after Thanksgiving break, which was definitely needed. With the end of the semester coming in two weeks, I've been pretty busy the few weeks before Thanksgiving break, trying to get ahead as much as I can so I won't be overwhelmed with work before finals. Having that time away is really nice, but since coming back, the work has picked up. This is one of my least favorite times of the year, honestly.

For the most part, Wednesday is basically like almost any other day at school, until the end of the day. Derrick has to work later today, so he's not able to pick Dev and I up from school, and when I mentioned it to Simon earlier at lunch, he volunteered to take us home. I couldn't say no to his offer considering I'd much rather get a ride home than walk if I can.

So, I'm walking through the halls to meet Simon and Dev outside the school, taking my time because Simon said he might be a couple minutes late anyway. My last class of the day is math and I'm pretty sure the math department is the furthest point from the front doors of the schools, which really sucks. It always takes me forever to get out of the building. I've already planned my schedule for next semester and my last class is much closer to the front of the school.

As I'm walking through the halls, I don't make it even halfway to the front of the school when I'm forced to stop in my tracks because my cane hits something, or rather, someone. This hallway sounds pretty dead, it usually is since I wait until everyone else leaves so it's easier for me to navigate, so I'm surprised when my cane collides with someone's foot. I'm even more surprised when they speak.

"Oh. Damian, was it?"

The voice is very familiar and it doesn't take me long to figure it out because it's so distinct. It's that guy who came onto the roof that one day—Leo, I think is his name. For some reason, I begin to get a bad feeling in my gut once I come to this realization.

"Yeah..." I reply. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you," I say.

"Oh no, it's my fault, really. I wasn't paying attention, too engrossed in my phone."

"Oh, well, okay." I move my cane in the opposite direction of where I know Leo is standing and start to continue on, but his voice stops me once more.

"Hey, wait a moment."

Leo grabs my shoulder and I tense at the contact. Primarily because I'm not very comfortable with people I don't know touching me like that, but also because I don't get a good feeling from being around Leo. Especially after the things Simon told me.


Leo steps forward and I notice him gently push my shoulder so that when I step back, I'm forced to turn my body. Suddenly, my back collides with the wall, and now I feel very uncomfortable because I'm trapped between the wall and Leo, who continues to touch my shoulder for some reason.

"You're friends with Simon, right?" he asks. I don't know why he cares, but I nod anyway.

"Yeah, I am," I say.

"I'm sure he's told you very unsightly things about me," Leo continues. "All of which are true, I won't deny that, but there is something I think would benefit you to know about Simon."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"The Simon you know is very different from the Simon who I knew," Leo continues and it feels like he moves in even closer to me, which I don't like at all. The scent of his cologne is strong and makes my nose itch. "It's probably old news to you that Simon was nearly expelled once," he says, "surely. But do you know why Simon was nearly expelled?"

"For fighting, I assume," I reply. "With Kyle."

"Yes," Leo replies. "Kyle and Simon's fighting did get a little out of control. Kyle liked to tease Simon and, well, Simon doesn't have the best temper, so he'd grow so angry he'd become explosive, cursing at Kyle, threatening him, which ultimately would lead to punches being thrown. I'd gotten hit a couple times myself trying to keep Simon under control. When Simon and I stopped being friends, his anger seemed to grow even more out of control. The smallest things would send him into a rage and one day he and Kyle got into another fight, but that time Simon choked Kyle to unconsciousness. It took a teacher and two other students to get him off. Frankly, I'm surprised that he was allowed to come back, and was even more surprised to see him turn into a completely different person. However, I know that violent side of his is still there somewhere, hidden deep inside of him." Leo lowers his voice as he speaks and moves in even closer. I honestly don't know how much I believe Leo's words. I don't think I could fully believe them until Simon confirms them to be true. "I just thought you should know that." Leo's voice drops nearly to a whisper and I can feel his breath on my ear when he speaks his next words. His hand that was gripping my shoulder moves as well and touches my face. Even though I turn my head to the side, the wall is still trapping me, and Leo easily grabs my chin in his hand to turn my face back around. "It would be a shame if something were to happen and he were to take that pent up anger and frustration out on you. You think Simon is this great person who's done nothing wrong, a sad kid with no friends, but there's a very good reason he is the way he is, and why he doesn't have friends, Damian. People are scared of him. Not to mention he pushes people away, but for some reason he didn't push you away. I wonder why that is." Leo pauses. I want to push him away from me because he's way too close to me at this point and I can't stand his hand on my face, but I also want to hear what he has to say.

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