iii. michael

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Series Three. Episode Eleven. Michael

THERE COULD ONLY BE ONE WINNER AND RIGHTFULLY CLAIM MICHAEL FOR REGIONALS. Ruby will be damned if it's The Warblers and that charming smug rat of a leader Sebastian. There was something not quite right about the sketchy teen and she didn't like it one bit. Blaine and Santana were leading the group up to the multi-story carpark by the downtown mall in Lima to where we were about to go head to head, bringing Michael straight to the streets.

Leaning up against one of the concrete columns; tucked under Finn's protective arm where she was pretending to listen to whatever crap Puck was telling them. Ruby felt Finn hit her in the shoulder that he had his arm wrapped around, bringing her out of her daydream. 

"Hey, has Sam spoke to you at all this week?" Finn spoke quietly.

"He tried, but I wasn't particularly in the mood to talk. Plus I heard that he's still trying to win Mercedes back so..." Ruby shrugged.

"Look I don't know what his prob..." Puck started to say before being interrupted.

"Guys they're here!" Rachel announced, rushing over to them.

Blaine and Santana moved into plain sight and confronted an unimpressed looking Sebastian and his Warblers, whilst we stayed in the shadows waiting for our cue. "Well. We're here."

"We've got something to settle. Both of us want to use MJ but only one can." Blaine spoke.

"We're having a Jackson off Nick at night. Winner gets the King of Pop for Regionals!" Santana snarked.

"Us against... the two of you? You really think you're that bad? Is that what they teach you at that little public school of yours?" he teased.

"It's time to see who's bad!"

We heard Blaine tell them, Santana clicking her fingers as  the rest of us now leaving the shadows ready confront The Warblers.

*Bad performed by the New Directions & The Warblers*


RUBY HAD ASKED HER ALL OF HER FRIENDS TO LEAVE HER TO EAT HER LUNCH IN PEACE TODAY. She really wasn't in the mood for company. That however did not stop Noah Puckerman from placing his tray down and parking his butt down opposite her. Not saying a word and annoying her into speaking to him.

"Puckerman please leave me alone. I'm not in the mood today."

Puck moved both of their trays to the side and grabbed one of Ruby's hands and tugging her towards him, to make sure her focus on him rather than on the cafeteria floor. "Hey. Hey look at me. What's wrong Princess?"

"What happened to Blaine is fucked up Puck! I've never wanted to wipe that smug look off that Sebastian kid's face more than in that moment."

"Believe me, I've never wanted to punch someone in the face as much as I did when I watched Blaine hit the floor and I've punched a lot of people. But that's not why you're sitting by yourself like a loser."

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