viii. choke

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Series Three. Episode Eighteen. Choke

RUBY RAN OUT OF THE CHOIR ROOM AFTER PUCK, AFTER HE BASICALLY TOLD EVERYONE HE HAD GIVEN UP ON SCHOOL. After finishing his spontaneous performance of Alice Cooper's Schools Out , Noah Puckerman fled the choir room without another word and leaving his friends in bewilderment."Hey Puck! Puckerman! Stop!" Ruby pushed past her fellow students to catch up to the boy. But to no avail he seemingly wasn't stopping for anyone.


Stopping in his tracks, Puck's shoulders slumped as Ruby raced round to face him properly. Avoiding eye contact with her when she tugged on his hand to try get his attention.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

Puck snatched his hand free of her grip, "Why do you care?"

Ruby took a step back, a little taken aback by his tone and scoffed. "Because funnily enough you mean a lot to me... Because we're friends Noah, I care about you. Or have you forgotten about that?"

"It's school. Kinda gonna flunk out." He rolled his eyes.

"Kinda? What does that mean?"

Not missing the sigh that left his lips, Ruby's face softened at her clearly deflated friend. "I'm gonna fail my next test. I'm not graduating."  He spoke quietly as he tried to walk away from her.

Following close behind, Ruby ran to catch up. "Hey listen, I'll help you."  Puck stopped to look at Ruby closely to see if she was taking the piss. "I'll help you study, come to mine tonight. It'll be fine. I promise." Ruby sent him a soft smile.

"And why would you help me. I'm an idiot."

"Cause like I said, I care about you and I kinda like your company!" Ruby teased, nudging him in the ribs playfully. "Plus I always help Finn and I've helped Sam before in the past too, it's no big deal. I want to help."

"So you like idiots then?" he scoffed.

"Shut up before I changed my mind. Come to mine at seven." She linked arms with him. "Now walk me to class before you say something to piss me off!"


SAM STOOD IN FRONT OF THE CARTER'S FRONT DOOR. Undetermined if he was going to actually knock or not. He had a bunch of sunflowers in his hand but he was nervous about if she would even forgive him or if she would slam the door in his face for how he had treated her. Only time would tell, but he couldn't even do that.

Popping the bouquet of sunflowers on the welcome mat, he quickly made a u-turn and exited the drive way. Upon making it back to the Hudson residence where he was currently staying, he saw Puck on his motorbike pulling onto her driveway. Instantly thinking the worst, he pushed his way back through the front door and to the guest bedroom he was staying in. 

There was no way he was going to go over there and potentially confess these feelings he's been having when she was still inviting Puck over. He really did want to sit down and have a conversation with her but he chickened out last minute like the loser he was. 

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