x. nationals

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Series Three. Episode Twenty One. Nationals.

THE NEW DIRECTIONS WERE A FEW HOURS INTO THEIR REHEARSALS FOR NATIONALS WHEN ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. Sam had charged at Puck and he was currently being held back by both Finn and Mike when Mr Schue finally came running in to break up the fight as they girls looked on in a mixture of alarm and confusion.

"Hey! Hey what is going on in here?!" He shouted over everyone else's shouting.

"He won't stop making heart eyes at Ruby whilst the rest of us are trying to rehearse. It's bogus!" Sam shouted, throwing his arms in the air.

"First of all, no he isn't. Second of all I'm helping him study for his big test, so can you just calm down please Sam." Ruby tried to counter argued.

"What Bee said and it's cause I already know how to dance. You dance like you got your feet caught in bear traps and you're trying to gnaw them off!" Puck yelled pushing past Ruby to swing at him when Sam charged at him again.

Ruby stepped back and observed the rest of the room. Tina had her face in her hands in horror watching the drama unfold, Kurt was rambling about our biggest competition; Unique Adams from Vocal Adrenaline who him and Mercedes had befriended and how he recently got handed a key to the city.

"Plus my blanket and my pillow fell into the hotel pool. Disaster!" Brittany called out whilst looking out of the hotel room window.

Slowly; Ruby made her way over to Santana who instantly wrapped an arm around her best friend in comfort when she muttered something about a headache coming on after watching the chaos all unfold. Mr Schue had only just managed to get the noise levels down enough that he could try and talk some sense into everyone when Artie rolled into the middle of the room in an attempt to mediate the situation. 

"Look I think everyone is just a little tired. We've been rehearsing for three straight hours."

"Yeah!" Finn interrupted, "And we'll rehearse all night if we have to! We can rest after we've won!"

"Just because we lost Mercedes doesn't mean we can be anything less than perfect. Perfect!" Rachel chimed in, this however just caused everyone to start yelling at each other again.

Santana having had just about had enough of the arguing and decided they needed a little visit from Auntie Snixx because this was never going to be resolved naturally. "Hey! I don't want to hear any of this 'We can't do this without her' crap because guess what? We don't have a choice. So be warned. If you are not giving this everything you've got, I will go all Lima Heights on your sorry asses!" she yelled as she circled the room.

"Listen to yourselves." Mr Schue finally managed to cut in.

"I know! I'm sorry, I always go to the yelling place. I have rage." Santana apologise as she made her way back to stand with Ruby.

"No. It's good thing. A Great thing. There is so much passion in this room. Even all your arguing is about the work. You guys really want this. So take a half hour break and let's get back to it."

"Mr Schue if you don't mind can we just keep going, we've got the first slot and that is the death slot. We have to be amazing!"  Tina said, Quinn agreeing with her. "Yeah, Edge of Glory is a bitch and I said I'd be dancing by Nationals, I'll be damned if I don't."

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