xxxvii. new new york

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Series Five. Episode Fourteen. New New York

WHEN KURT HUMMEL TURNED UP AT RUBY'S APARTMENT A FEW WEEKS INTO HER FIRST TERM AT PRINCETON. She wasn't particularly bothered by the fact he'd brought a duffle bag with him she was just thrilled to see her friend. And she didn't seem to question it as her excitement over took everything else.

Welcoming him in with open arms, she threw his bag on her bed before going to put the kettle on whilst he explained why he had turned up on her doorsteps at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning. Pushing the cup of coffee across the breakfast counter towards Kurt before taking a sip of her own.

"Now, not that this wasn't a wonderful surprise at --" Ruby looked at her watch, "Eight am on a Saturday morning but please tell me why you've turned up with a bag my darling Kurt?"

"I needed to get out of that apartment."  He sighed, "Between Rachel and I, Santana and then adding Blaine and Sam into the mix, it's a little crowded."

Ruby let Kurt rant about everything that had been happening in the apartment until his heart's content because she knew he needed to get it off his chest. "I'm getting a little claustrophobic."

"That's only natural, you've been apart for so long and now you're living underneath each other's feet. It's a big change!" Ruby tried to reassure him.

"And he keeps trying to change everything and it's irritating me. For example, last night Blaine bought this couch off the back of a truck because apparently the furniture I carefully chose from Chelsea's finest flea markets isn't 'that comfortable'. It was a mid century knock-off so I gave him an A for effort. But as soon as I lifted up one of the cushions I saw that the entire couch was riddled with bed bugs."  He blurted out in a quick annoyance as Ruby watched him with wide eyes.

"So we spent the entire night disinfecting everything and taking silk-wood showers and disinfecting everything again. And I know what I'm about to say sounds like a bad Bravo show but I'm starting to think that couch was an omen of our relationship. Seemingly fine on the outside but heading for certain disaster. Does that sound crazy to you?"

Leaning across the counter, Ruby squeezed Kurt's hand to try comfort the boy. "A little but look that maybe so but remember you weren't together for a year and then jumped straight into getting married."

"I know, I just hate that he's making me feel this way. I wake up next to Blaine, I go to school with Blaine, I come home to Blaine. Sometimes I just want to sit and watch trashy tv with Santana and now I have to have my whole schedule consumed by him you know?"

"Well you're more than welcome to come stay with me whenever you need to, I'm only a train ride away!"

"Thanks Bee! Anyway how are you coping being away from Sam?"  He asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Well I'm constantly busy so it occupies my mind most of the time. Turns out a law degree isn't a walk in the park! But we make time to facetime each other but it's not really the same. How does he seem to you?"

"Well he's spent the past two months living on my couch and eating all my food and to be quite honest on the off chance I don't want to murder Blaine, I want to murder Sam. Please can you motivate him to I don't know -- get up and do something instead slouching about and driving me crazy! Because quite frankly there are too many people in my apartment and it's driving me up the wall!"

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