xxvi. wonder-ful

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Series Four. Episode Twenty One. Wonder-Ful

IT WAS STEVIE WONDER WEEK FOR THE GLEE CLUB THIS WEEK AND KITTY HAD ROPED BLAINE, JAKE, RYDER AND HERSELF INTO ACCOMPANYING HER IN SOME MYSTERIOUS PERFORMANCE IN GLEE CLUB. Whilst Ruby had absolutely no reservations about singing Stevie, a week dedicated to one her all time favourites was long over due in her opinion but Kitty was being so aloof about it.

"And why can't we know what this performance is in aid of?" Ruby groaned as she wrapped her arms around Jake's shoulders from her position on top of the piano and hugging him like a koala.

"Because it's all part of the big reveal, now sshhh" Kitty snapped.

Ruby frowned but a grin quickly made it's way onto her face when Mercedes, Kurt and Mike all bustled their way into the choir room alongside Artie. Without a seconds notice, Kitty whacked Blaine's arm and himself and band launched into 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours'.

*Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours performed by Kitty Wilde with Ruby Carter, Jake Puckerman, Ryder Lynn & Blaine Anderson*

(Ruby dances with Jake as Kitty dances alongside Ryder)

The choir room erupted into cheers at the cheerleader's performance, Ruby grinned as her and Jake pushed each other playfully only stopping when Kitty spoke above everyone else. "Seemed like the perfect Stevie song to celebrate Artie getting his acceptance letter into film school."

Kitty seemed so pleased with herself as everyone congratulated Artie but Artie didn't seem all to impressed at the announcement. In fact thinking about it, Ruby noticed he looked uncomfortable throughout the entire performance.

"Well that may have been the perfect song but that performance was just one package that I'm not signing for!" Mercedes cut everyone off. The two cheerleaders tilted their heads in confusion as they looked at Mercedes. "Excuse me?"  They both called out.

"I mean it was good but you guys need to be great for Regionals."  She shrugged.

Placing her hands on her hips, Kitty stared Mercedes down. "Yes, clearly we should be taking out advice from someone who came crawling back to Ohio after apparently having her LA dreams shattered. You learn your new lyrics yet?" Kitty sassed as she pulled out a Mariah hand. "Do you want fries with that?"  She sung at the alumni.

"Maybe if you put some of that sass into your performance, your teacher wouldn't have begged me to come her and be your new vocal coach." Mercedes fired back.

Mr Schue decided to intervene before another argument could break out. "Mercedes is one of the strongest vocalists in McKinley glee club history which is why I asked her to help."

"So get on point Kitty. Your little theory about Mercedes' shattered dreams like most of the garbage that comes out of your mouth is wrong" Kurt spat out.

Slowly raising his hand to inform everyone he wanted to speak so he wouldn't get his head bitten off. "I thought your dancing was amazing! And Mr Schue has asked me to help with the choreography at Regionals. So you best be ready you two!"  He pointed at Jake and Ruby. "Cause you're featured!"  Mike beamed at them as they high fived one another.

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