xxv. sweet dreams

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Series Four. Episode Nineteen. Sweet Dreams

THIS YEARS REGIONALS THEME WAS DREAMS AND MR SCHUESTER WAS BEING A STICKLER FOR THE RULES THIS YEAR. He was taking the theme very literally with his song choices, none of us even got a look in with song selection this year."Right guys, so we'll start out with Dream Weaver and then we'll segue into Sweet Dreams and we'll bring it home with You Make My Dreams Come True!"  He beamed at the kids like he had hit the jackpot.

Ruby who was sat resting her head on Blaine's shoulder turned to look at Sam, who was currently 'Evan Evans - his twin brother' who he'd be posing as since the shooting. We think it's his coping mechanism to help deal with the separation anxiety he experienced without herself and Brittany. Sharing a look they were both unsure of how long we were supposed to let this carry on, but shared a smile when Sam spoke, seemingly as himself.

"Hey didn't you say Bee crushed her solo with Finn last year during your mash-off? Maybe she could do the solo for Regionals?" Sam spoke up. Mr Schue's expression faltering slightly at the mention of Finn.

"We'll be having auditions for solos. I'll decide who gets them thank you Sam."  He frowned. 

The smile on Ruby's face from Sam's sweet comment instantly fell at Mr Schue's abruptness as he shut Sam down. Blaine squeezed her hand and sent her a smile; she returned the smile shyly before sending a small smile at Sam before returning her head to Blaine's shoulder.

"Marley, you're frowning AND I was considering you for the solo."

"Didn't he just shoot you down and say he was doing auditions?"  Blaine whispered.

"No! I just don't know any of these songs, thats all."  Marley said almost sheepishly. Clapping his hands, Mr Schue pointed at her, "We'll you'll know them soon enough because we're learning them today."  he said pointing at her enthusiastically.

Ruby lifted her head at the sound of Marley coughing awkwardly. "Actually I was hoping maybe we could try some original songs, like you did two years ago?"  Marley said hopefully.

"That was a different time and a different team."  Ruby would almost say Mr Schue grimaced thinking about that particular glee club, making her highly uncomfortable but she didn't have time to overthink because Marley spoke up again.

"But why? That sounds like you think this team isn't good enough to write original songs because I think that we are and you're not even letting us help pick out our setlist." 

A few of them shared smirks as Mr Schue shifted uncomfortably from his spot at the front of the choir room. "Don't twist my words."

"I mean, when Finn was here we got to help --"  Marley cut him off. A murmur of agreement spreading across the choir room.

"Do you need reminding how lucky you guys  are to even be at Regionals."  He said loudly, making everyone silent. "We are there on a technicality. Which means there's absolutely no room for even the smallest mistakes. Trust me."  He let out a big sigh. "Anybody else have something they want to say? No? Right class dismissed."

Ruby watched as everyone quickly packed up their bags and left the choir room. Quickly telling Blaine she'd catch him up she took her time collecting her things. Mr Schue watched her quietly for a moment before deciding to speak. "Ruby, are you okay? You've not been yourself the past couple of days. Are you sick? Do you want me to call the nurse?"

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