xii. the new rachel

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Series Four. Episode One. The New Rachel

RUBY CARTER HAD HAD A ROUGH SUMMER AND JACOB BEN ISRAEL WAS ALREADY PROWLING THE CORRIDORS OF MCKINLEY TO HARASS THE GLEE CLUB. Let's just say, it was not at the top of Ruby's list of things she wanted to endure or deal with on her first day back of her senior year and she wouldn't be held accountable for what might happen if she's cornered. She was not in the mood, today.

Ruby had wanted to try and spend as much time with her friends as possible over the summer before they left for college but the reality of it all was, nobody had the time. She had only seen Santana and Mike a handful of times, Finn had left for the army and hadn't returned any of her calls for over a month. And to top it all off, Rachel had somehow blamed Ruby for Finn breaking up with her at the end of last year before we all sent her off to New York.

Ruby would never forget the phone call she received a few weeks after Rachel had moved to New York. It ended in the both of them raising their voices at one another as they tried to defend themselves. Rachel having started ranting on about how she had argued with Finn over the exact same thing she was confronting Ruby about now.


"You know I always gave you the benefit of the doubt because you've been friends your entire life. But I've just been blind the entire time! You just couldn't wait to whisper in his ear, to end things with me so you can have him all to yourself."

Rachel was seething that much was true and truth be told this was not how Ruby thought this phone call would go when she picked up the phone five minutes ago to ask how her new life on the East Coast was going. Ruby had let Rachel ramble on for far too long after she had asked the very simple question of "How's life in New York?" But enough was enough, she wasn't even entirely sure she knew what Rachel was talking about anymore. 

"Rachel for the love of God! Will you slow down for a minute. I have absolutely no clue what you're even talking about anymore?"

"You don't think I've noticed?" She screeched.

"I took note of how you paraded yourself about during your number during Whitney week. Don't think I didn't notice whilst you were slutting it up with Santana to try and get Sam's attention that the only guys you seemed to have been throwing yourself at were the people you had already been with! I'm not stupid! I know what you were doing!"

"Woaaaah! Let me stop you right there Berry! What has who I danced with during a number got to do with anything?" Ruby interjected.

"THEN -- You threw yourself at Finn and he had that dopey little smirk on his face. I can read him like a book Bee! So I confronted him before he left for the army."

Ruby was silent, she had a feeling she knew where this was going but she wasn't entirely sure how this had anything to do with what happened between the couple only two months ago.

"You slept with Finn and you've been slowly but surely trying to get him to leave me so you can have him all to yourself!" She screamed.

"Are you actually insane! In case you haven't noticed I've been pretty bummed out the past year over someone else. So before you go pointing the finger, let's just get one thing straight Berry..."

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