xx.i do

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Series Four. Episode Fourteen. I Do.

MR SCHUESTER WAS BACK FROM WASHINGTON FOR HIS WEDDING TO MS PILLSBURY THIS WEEKEND. As were the graduated alumni who had made the special trip home to celebrate the two. Ruby was excited to have the whole gang back together, with Santana, Quinn, Mercedes, Mike, Kurt and Rachel all returning to Ohio for the nuptials.

Ruby just had to make it to the weekend without killing Finn. Ruby was watching him pace around his room from her place on the edge of his bed instead of helping her pick their song choice for the wedding.

"Finn will you please stop pacing! You're giving me a headache!" Ruby groaned.

Finn stopped only for a moment to give his best friend an unimpressed glare before he started pacing again. "I'm. His. Best Man" He stressed out.

"Yes, we know you are, idiot!" Ruby laughed at him.

"I'm. His. Best Man" Finn dramatically threw himself facedown on the bed.

"What's your point Hudson? I can't help you if you don't tell me what's actually wrong with you." Ruby sighed as she patted his back sympathetically.

He rolled onto his front and sighed dramatically before jumping to his feet, "How am I supposed to get up there with you and sing about love? How am I supposed to stand by his side and give a speech as his best man knowing what I did?"

Ruby watched him start pacing again, this was really tearing him up. "Finn listen to me. You didn't kiss her because you're in love with her or anything. She was panicking and you didn't know what to do and it was spur of the moment. But it worked. Did it or did it not distract her enough to stop her having a panic attack over the wedding prep?"

"Yeah she did." Finn nodded but that didn't stop him from walking around his room anxiously.

"So it worked, I personally don't think it's a big deal. Just please stop worrying about it." She pleaded, getting up from the bed.

"How can I when the last person I kissed was the woman who in 72 hours he's supposed to be marrying?"  His pacing started to speed up, causing Ruby's heart to drop as she watched him.

Ruby tugged on his hand, "Finn." She said firmly and he finally stopped for a moment to look at her. Reaching up on her toes, Ruby wrapped her hand round the back of his neck, pressing her lips his. Finn froze for a moment before kissing back for only a fleeting moment.

Pulling away Ruby chuckled, "Huh, so it does work!" She teased him. "Now I'm the last person you kissed"  She pressed a teasing peck to the side of his mouth before skipping to his door.

"Come on Hudson, put that thinking cap on! I'm putting the kettle on and then we've got a duet to plan!" She grinned before heading out, leaving her best friend to stare after her.


MS PILLSBURY HAD LEFT MR SCHUE AT THE ALTER. So the whole day had been a bit of a shambles to be totally honest but everyone was at the hotel for the wedding reception in hopes of salvaging what was left of Valentines Day on Mr Schue's orders.

Smoothing down the red satin dress she was wearing; Ruby took her fresh glass of vino curtesy of Santana's fake ID back to her table where she found her best friend fidgeting with his tie. Upon reaching the table; she stepped in front of Finn and slapped his hand away before Ruby knelt down to redo the tie he had messed up.

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