Chapter 24

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Summer's POV

He froze in his spot and slowly turned around, startled. He was as pale as a ghost and I could tell by the look on his face he hoped I didn't hear what I just said. He opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him.

''Hey Niall,'' I said with a small smile.

''S-Summer?'' Niall still said apparently processing.

'' Yes Niall I'm awake, just woke up for your info nw why are you so pale?'' I lied so he'll feel relieved.

''I'm so happy you're awake!'' He said smiling and walked over to my bed and giving me a horan hug! :)

I giggled at his reaction and when he pulled back from the hug and we gazed into eachothers' eyes. Before we knew it we were leaning in. We heard footsteps and quickly knocked out of the trance. I saw a head of black hair and knew who it was instantely.

''Hey Niall the doctor said I cou-'' She stopped herself and her emerald green eyes widened. She pointed at me and opened her mouth in shock. Before I could speak I heard her scream,'' SUMMER OH MY GOD!!!!'' and hugged me gently.

The others came piling in, all but Harry when they heard her scream. Louis came with a chair in his hand, Zayn with car keys, and Liam with a belt. They dropped everything and ran over to me. I was engulfed in hugs and kisses. Mostly from Louis and my parents. I smiled at them before asking,'' Where's Harry?'' They all looked at me with sad eyes.

''Oh so he didn't come? What if I din't make it? He sure is lucky I'm awake now!'' I sad my eyes watering.

''Please change the subject? Sorry I brought it up." I said as they nodded.

''Summer if you don't mind my asking how did you get hit by a car?'' Lou asked.

''I-I,'' Was all I said before bursting into tears. Sara ran to my confort and I quickly recoverred.

'' I was buying a ticket to come after Zayn and Sara.. My phone beeped and it was from Twitter. I was getting so much HATE! The one that got me to lose it was one from Lindsay, my old best friend now, she called me the worst thing possible. Here lemme show you..'' They were still looking at me shocked.

I opened my Twitter account on my phone.

Lindsay_luv!: @ Summer_the_Tommo- You are a nasty arse who*e, have fun sleepin with Harry ya sl*t.

They all looked at me with WIDE EYES and Lou an Niallere were clencing their fists so hard, they were white. They finally calmed down until the nurse came in.

''Everyone need to exit this room Summer needs her oxygen treatment and she will be a little weak so I need you to exit for a half-hour.'' She said reasurringly.

''Okay bye Summer let's go to the cafeteria to eat.'' Lou said.

I waved before I was given the oxygen mask and the nurse left. I instantley felt weak. I was about to sleep when someone entered the room......

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