{2| Dreams of Nightmares]

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[Y/N] woke up in a field of black and blue flowers, she felt calm for some reason. She remembered the meanings behind the two colors, blue represented mystery, black meant death or mourning... if those flowers were and so was she then..

She shook off her thoughts, standing to her feet, she realized she was wearing a black and red kimono with a large white rose in her hair. God, she really didn't know how to feel about kimonos but she'd have to roll with it.

She began just walking around, hiding her hands in her sleeves and her [e/c] eyes darting to find anything. This place was quieter than she was used to, she loved the quiet but now, she felt so uncomfortable in something she held so close to her. A soft sigh came from her as a cherry blossom tree came into view, one that she sat underneath.

"It seems you've been ditched again, hm?" A familiar voice asked her, it was soft, kind, and trusting. One that granted her happiness and pain, but this voice was younger.

"I'm used to it in a way." She smiled to herself, picking a black rose from underneath her arm as she felt a hand place itself on her shoulder. It startled her slightly though when she looked up, she felt at peace.

"You know, I can stay with you if you want. A kind person like you shouldn't be abandoned, Hot Chocolate." Her eyes widened, no one had called her that since school... she looked at the face of the person she was interacting with and was met with Maruki, from his teenage years.

"I wouldn't mind that at all, Tea." Maruki chuckled in response, sitting next to her and crossing his legs.

"I'm glad you don't mind... I've just missed you so much, weird, huh?" Maruki smiled sheepishly, his hands folding in his lap as he turned his head to [Y/N], who was smiling.

"No, not at all... in fact, I've missed you as well.." [Y/N] sighed softly, as though she had gotten a large weight off of her chest. In a way, she did want to talk to Maruki about that day in person but, she didn't feel ready to it.

"R-Really...? You... don't know how happy that makes me.." He beamed, his sheepish smile became a large happy one.

"I'm happy it brings as big a smile on your face as it does for me." She giggled somewhat, overjoyed to see him in such a good mood and genuinely so.

"How could it not? It's been so all over the place since... that day." Maruki folded his hands in his lap, beginning to fidget. A thing he'd do when thinking, he'd also hum sometimes but that was a bit more of an occasional thing.

"I know, it was stupid of me to hide like that. Maybe if I wouldn't have hid away.... things would be different.." She looked at his hands for a moment, remembering that day did hurt but, she had already forgiven him. Afterward, she placed a hand on his fidgeting ones and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Maybe... but that doesn't explain why I-"

She didn't know how or why, but a horrible coughing fit started. One hand on her stomach and the other over her mouth, she couldn't stop coughing.

"OH GOD-" Maruki looked at her with disgust in his eyes before he ran off, she screamed out for him until she saw a pair of feet above her. Then Two. Then Three. Blood dripped from their bodies as she backed up, both hands over her mouth while she forced herself to stop coughing. The bodies of the three people whom committed suicide from a guilty conscience, weighted heavy from their actions as criminals.

As she stood up to run off, a rope appeared in front of her, one already tied and ready. For a moment, she was tempted but seeing the other bodies, Maruki's reaction... her own reaction...

"No! Stop! Come back! Help me!"


𝕔𝕠𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕  𝕙𝕠𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖 | ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀ 5Where stories live. Discover now