Numbing cold and fiery hot

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Hermione sat on the benches near the quidditch field area, watching the Slytherin team practice in the numbing wind, dressed in warm clothes with a scarf tied around her neck.

Unsurprisingly but to Draco's shock, he had got chosen as captain of the Slytherin quidditch team. The first decision he took as captain was to hold trials to scout for new talent.

How Hermione got here, well, that is what she tried to recall as she rummaged her brain to head back a few moments.

A few moments ago,

Sitting cozily with her legs folded beneath her on the sofa and a book in hand, Hermione lazily skimmed over the pages. Warm in front of the fireplace is how the brightest witch of her age planned to spend her weekend.

The arrival of her roommate caught her attention as she looked up to look at him. Gawk more like it.

Clad in his fitted quidditch attire, which fit snugly on him accentuating his slim waist and a wide shoulder, his lean figure rippled with muscles which tensed when he turned around, his latest broom in hand.

Noticing a gaping Hermione, he raised his eyebrows with a smirk and eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Are you done?" He asked, amused. His voice snapped her out of her reverie as she stuttered out a question in reply," Huh...what?"

Hiding his smirk, with the most innocent expression in the whole world, he said, "With your book?"

Not seeing past his guise, a flustered Hermione nodded her head in agreement, eyes roaming everywhere but his face and uttered a feeble 'yes.'

Working on the idea that he just thought of, Draco hopefully asked," Would you like to come and watch practice?"

Hermione felt so lazy that even the thought of walking up to her bedroom seemed like an arduous task. But before she could even begin with her denial, Draco cut in.

"Absolutely not. I am not leaving you cooped up inside. It's such a pleasant weather today! Get your lovely little lazy body moving, or I will, and I assure you, you will not like my method." And with a wicked gleam, he smiled and sat down on an armchair as if he was going to patiently wait until his precious mate returned after getting ready.

That is how Hermione ended up sitting beside the field on the benches watching the Quidditch enthusiasts from the Slytherin house try out to qualify for the team. After the selection process, a mini practice ensued to see how well the members play together. Feeling his mate's eyes following his every move, Draco felt motivated to work harder, performing simple tricks to try and impress her.

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