An Eventful Morning (part 1)

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Hermione's Pov

I yawned and got up filled with a sense of euphoria as I longed for the first day of lessons to start. First day of a peaceful year. With a smile gracing my lips, eyes half-lidded with sleepiness but a skip in my steps I headed towards the bathroom humming a tune. Dressed in my school robes I looked at my ginger friend still fast asleep in her comfortable bed without a sign of waking up in the near future.

"Ginny..."  no response.

"Ginny!" I raised my voice.

"GINNY!" Still no difference. Not even a movement.

"I swear both brother and sister are exactly the same." I grumbled under my breath.

I took my wand and with it gently poked a book kept on a shelf. The book fell on one side of a ruler and a ball balanced on the other side bounced and tipped a glass half- full with water kept beside Ginny's bed, causing the contents to be poured on the poor unsuspecting girl. The red head jerked awake trying to find the cause of the sudden downpour.


" Good morning Ginny! " I cut in amused so as to not have the misfortune of an encounter with her colourful choice of words.

"Hermione Granger...!" and I fled the room before she could finish her sentence and hex me into oblivion. That girl is quite gifted in the hex-ing department.

Still chuckling i commenced towards the Gryffindor  common room where I found Harry sitting on a couch near the fireplace reading a quidditch book. 

"Morning Harry." I announced my arrival.

" Good-morning 'Mione!" He wished back with a smile, "Shall we head down for breakfast?" He asked. 

" Sure but where's Ron?"

"Still sleeping and I am guessing so is Ginny?" He shook his head grinning.

"She was but not anymore, oh, and remind me to avoid her until she calms down!" I chuckled and made my way towards the exit.

"Huh! What do you mean?" he asked incredulously following after me.


We reached the great hall when I saw Ivan sitting on the Gryffindor table. Ivan Valkov is a russian student who moved to Hogwarts after his school was destroyed completely. His dark blonde hair and baby blue eyes with his pale face make him look stunning. We talked yesterday at the welcome feast and he was nothing short of a charmer, his unique accent never failing to make my heart flutter. 

He became good friends with Harry, Ron and Ginny as well through their same interest: Quidditch.

As Harry and I moved to sit beside him he turned around to face us and greeted.

"Hi Harry, Hello Hermione."He chirped in his accented deep voice.

We greeted him back and sat down on either side of him.

"An early riser I see." I stated.       

"Out of habit." He laughed and started a conversation with Harry while I took some toast and spread butter on them. Suddenly I felt this heavy urge to look towards the gates of the hall and when I did my gaze got stuck on those same silver orbs which were shinning with deep unknown emotions.




Thank you for the more than 1k reads. When I first started writing I didn't have any expectations but this motivates me, you all motivate me to complete this story and make it as interesting as possible so you can enjoy. I hope I am not doing a bad job. Feel free to point out my mistakes I will be very thankfull.

If any of you want any special events to be added or how you would like the story to go feel free to tell me and I will try to my best abilities to make those changes and additions.

Thank you and pls don't forget to vote and comment if you like the chapter. 

I will try to update as soon as possible. 


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