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Hey guys just to let you know I will be posting this on TikTok too xx


It was the first day back at school for students at Hawkins High School. Everyone was excited to see all their friends and lovers, all except two lonely boys. William Byers and Dustin Henderson both hated school. Sure they liked each other's company but there lives were miserable, especially for Will. Will hated school so much he would usually fake being sick to get out of it. It would always work because his dad, Lonnie, would always be drunk and his mom, Joyce, was always working. Why did he hate school? All because of two girls. Jane Hopper and Max Mayfield. The basic high school bitches who would beat up the loner kids.

As Will entered the school building, he saw his best friend, Dustin. But just before they could say hi, two familiar faces appeared. Jane and Max.

"Hey Willy poo and Dusty bun!" Jane says with a sarcastic tone to her voice, with Max laughing behind her.

"Please can you just leave us alone for one day!" Will tries to speak loudly, but it was useless.

"Sorry we didn't quite hear you!" Jane replies, pushing Will into a locker.

"I said get leave me alone!" Will suddenly shouts, surprised by his actions.

Almost the whole school heard him, he was that loud. Quickly after he screams, a tall, pale, black haired figure comes running down the hall.

"Jane!?" The tall boy shouts.

"Shit" she says worried. "Mike! Honestly it's not what it looks like he punched my first!" Jane cried while pretending to sob.

"Uh... ok, el." He replies, annoyed, why grabbing her hand. "Jane please leave for a second?"

"Uh fine" Jane then walks away like she's in a fashion show, showing off her stunning outfit.

"Hey sorry about that. My names Mike, what's yours?" The pale faced boy says looking down at Will.

"I'm... uh... Will!" The small boy replies, scratching his head. Mike was perfect, his freckles were as perfect as stars in the middle of the night.

"Cool! I will... uh... see you later!" The boy walks away, grabbing his girlfriends hand.

What was this feeling that Will felt? It was like he had butterflies inside his stomach, or he was riding a rollercoaster.
"He had perfect, curly hair and blue eyes and-."

"Shit! Will are you ok!?" Wills thoughts were interrupted by his beat friend, Dustin.

"Oh me? Yeah I'm great! Why?" Will lied.

"Dude! Are you crazy! She was totally about to beat your ass!"

"I- uh... I'm going to class now! Bye!" Will quickly ran off into the bathroom and started thinking about the boy again. Why couldn't he get him out of his head?

Just before he was about to leave and get to class, two boys entered the bathroom shouting about soccer. Will fell to the ground and his face looked like he had just saw a ghost.

"Hey! Bill right?" Will looked up to see the gorgeous boy he had met earlier. There's was the butterflies again.

"It's... uh... it's will." The small boy replied shyly while getting up from the dirty floor.

"You know this guy?" The other boy questioned.

"Yeh! We met earlier! Right will?"

"Oh... uh yeh..." Will scratched his head again while shaking. " well I better be going!"

"Wait! Hold up we should get to know each other!" Lucas laughed while blocking the door from the little boy.

"Please I just want to get to class!" Will cried.

"Well I want you to stay here!" Lucas laughed again.

"Please just let me go!"

"No! Your staying right-." Just before the boy could finish his sentence, Mike dropped in.

"Dude just let him go!" The stunning boy shouted at his friend, "Well I'll see you later Will!"

"Uh, bye..." Will pushed passed the two tall boys and went to class.

Class had just started and Will was already bored. Whenever he was bored he would just draw. His drawings would usually be of him and Dustin, or him and his mother, but not this time. This time his drawing was of the boy he had meant which he found nothing but gorgeous.

The door suddenly opened to see the one and only, Mike Wheeler.

"Sorry I'm late miss! I had to do something."

"Mike when will you learn? Just go sit next to William please." Will looked at the teacher as she said that with a look that said 'please no' and she just gave a 'deal with it' look back.

"Hello, Byers." Mike whispers while sitting in the chair next to Will.

"What do you want, Mike" Will replies, almost blushing.

"What are you drawing?" Mike took Will's book and started flicking through it.

"Nothing! Now give it back please!" His cheeks were now warming up to the y'all boy who was sat next to him.

"Fine!" Mike gives the book back, giggling.

"Now focus!" Will was now giggling a bit too. He tried to stay as focused as he could, but he couldn't help but notice the boy who was sat next to him smiling on occasions. Maybe smiling at him, maybe not, but Will knows one thing. He had a crush on Mike Wheeler.


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882 words

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