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As I made my way out of the bathroom, I started to feel my stomach turn.

"Ok just one more class and then your home"  I thought. "Maybe tell Nancy about this, she will support you, right?"

I finally arrived to the classroom door and I took a deep breath. "You can do this, Mike"

I walked into the class and, of course, I got interrupted by Mrs Clark.

"Your late again Mike! You know that means a-."

I quickly interrupted her with a glance, more like a death stare, telling her I wasn't in the mood. She read my face and so I went to sit down, next to the gorgeous, glowing boy.

He was drawing like normal, so I decided to tease him.  I picked up his book, expecting to see his dog or some trees, but what I saw made my blush and my stomach turn again.

It was a picture of me and him holding hands sat on a pair of swings. The drawing was so detailed, my face was so detailed. It was like I was looking in a mirror.

"Your weren't meant to see that..." the boy next to me says.

"This is amazing..." I reply, gazing into his eyes.

We were both staring into each other's eyes for what felt like hours, until we got interrupted by the same old lady who hates my guts.

"Boys! Work! Now!" She snarled. Oh how much I hate her.

Me and will quickly lifted our heads to the woman, and both apologised and got on with our work.


(Still Mike's Pov)

School was finally finished for the day, and I got out of my seat and quickly left. Even though I didn't look back, I could see the small boy behind me pull a miserable look, but I didn't care. I just needed to get home and think.


"Mike! What do you want for dinner?" I head my mom shout to me as I ran upstairs, but I ignored her. I was too busy right now.

I ran into my room and slammed the door behind me. I started thinking.

"Does he like me? Or did he draw the photo because we are amazing friends! Nothing more because that would just be strange! But do I like him? There's only one person who can help me find this out."

I got up from my bed and walked to the door of my older sister, Nancy.

"Mike? Mike what do you want I'm on the phone to Jonathon!" She shouted.

"Uh... Nance I really need to talk to you... it's important..."

"Hold on Jonathon! I'll call you in a minute! Love you!" She speaks through her phone, "can't you just tell mom?"

"Actually no... it's only something you can help me with..." I say nervously.

"Fine! But make it quick." She patted her hand on her bed, implying for me to sit down. "So what's up?"

"I... I think I might like a boy!" I blurted out, quickly covering my mouth afterwards.

She gave me a shocked look, following with a smile. "And who is the boy?"

"William Byers..." I say, with a tear falling down my eye."

"You mean Jonathon brother? I think he's gay too, you know." She smiles.

"Gay!? I'm not gay!" I shout.

"Then what are you? Bi?"

"And that is..."

"When you like both genders, I know a friend who is bi."

"Yeah... I guess I am..." I say. "But how did you know will is gay?"

"His brother says he has always like to dress up as fairies, and princesses. But they had a dad who would abuse him until he was more of a 'man'." Nancy quietly speaks, then looks up at me. " Mike, I just want you to know that you should always be who you are, not what mom and dad want you to be, but what you want to be. I will always support you."

"Thank you Nancy, I think I need to call him, and tell him how I feel." I wrap my arms around my sister and walk back into my room.

I started digging through my bag to try find my walkie talkie, but I end up finding something much more valuable.

"Shoot! I forgot to give his art book back! But I wonder what he draws in his spare time... I'm sure if I only have one little look, he won't find out."


I got home in a terrible mood, why did Mike ignore me? Did I do something wrong?

I walked past my brother who was on he phone to his girlfriend in his room, and made my way to my small, uncomfortable bed. I jumped onto it deciding I was going to do some art, since thats what I always do when I'm upset.

I opened up my bag to find that my art book was missing. That's when I remembered Mike took it and never gave it back, so I had to go collect it from his house.

I got back up from my bed and told my mom I was going to a friends house, hopped onto my bike and started peddling.

Once I arrived at the house, I parked my bike up and knocked on the door to reveal a smiling face.

"Will! I think Mike wanted to talk to you! He's upstairs in his bedroom." A young teenage girl was standing in the door frame of the house. Nancy Wheeler. A.K.A my brothers girlfriend.

"He is? O.. ok, thank you Nancy." I reply, smiling back at her.

I made my way to the stairs and saw how gorgeous their house was. I had never really been inside anyone's house except Dustins, and he wasn't too rich either.

I walked up the stairs, and saw that a door was open, which I guessed was Mikes, so I walked in.

"Mike!?" I shout. He was looking in my art book! How could he?

"Will! I promise I didn't mean to! It was in my bag and- I'm sorry..." The tall boy says while putting his head down.

I really couldn't stay mad at him. Although I had to, the way he treated me today at school. "I can't believe you would look in it!"

"I'm really sorry Will! But can I please talk to you?"

"Make it quick, Wheeler." I quickly speak, while crossing my arms.


Hi everyone we almost have 100 reads!? Thank you so much! xx

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1096 words

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