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"Hello?" I hear a soft voice say, " oh my gosh! Are you okay!?"

I feel a hand on my shoulder and as I look up I see a girl. Not any random girl, but the girl who used to torcher me for days.

"M... Maxine!? What do you want?" I cry, scared I'm about to get beat up.

"Look, Will... You don't understand how sorry I am for doing those things to you. I guess I just wanted to stay friends with Jane..." Max say, with a tear running down her eye.

"How do I know your telling the truth..." I weep.

"Sit together at lunch?" A smile appears on her face and I almost feel one forming on mine.

"Well... I... sure..." We both get up and head to class, even though we are both late.




(Still Will's POV)

"So... Max... what made you change your mind about... you know... bullying..?" I speak up while we are walking to the cafeteria.

"Well... do you want to know the long story?"

I nod.

"Well..." she says while we sit down at a table, "When I first moved to this shitty school, Jane asked me if I wanted to be friends. Of course I accepted. Then when I joined her group of the 'popular people', Mike, Her and a boy named Lucas. I realised that they controlled the school, and so... I guess I got carried away. I fell in love with Lucas and started bullying innocent people with Jane. And... well... me and Mike never really got along, he always says that they never needed a new member of their group. Then I found out who I truly am. I like girls, and only girls. And I don't need a stupid reputation to get through life."

Max started to cry a bit. "Well... I think how you did that was amazing. And since your sharing some of your secrets with me, I'll share mine with you..." I say whilst comforting her. "You were always right when you called me queer. Yes... I like boys."

Max gave me a soft smile then held my hand. "Friends?" She asks.

"Definitely," I smile back.

"Hello kiddos!" I hear a loud, posh voice approaching us. Great.

Jane and two other people were walking towards our table like they owned the school.

"Jane! I told you we are not friends anymore!" Max screams (not litterally lmao).

"Don't be silly, Your still me friend!" Jane says, sitting down on our table. The other two boys also sit down, Mike next to me.

"No, Jane! You don't control me! I told you why we aren't friends anymore!" Now everyone continues to stare at our table, as the two girls continue to bicker.

"What about Lucas then!? Your still dating him? Because if you are you have to be friends with me!"

"Who says!?"


"Well I dumped him! Ok!? Now can you please leave me and Will alone!?" Now both the girls are screaming at each other (litterally).

I continue to watch the girls fight, as does everyone, but I sense a pair of eyes staring at me. Mike Wheeler.
I tried to ignore it and watch the fight, but I couldn't, well that was until my name was yet again brought into the fight of the girls.

"Oh so I guess you and Will are now dating then! Huh!?" Jane shouts.

"No! Will is..." was Max about to tell the whole school my secret!? I knew I couldn't trust her!

"No! I'm lesbian! Ok!? That's the reason I dumped Lucas!" That made the whole school shut up. Hawkins was not a town for accepting people for liking the same gender.

"That's disgusting, you little queer. Why was I ever friends with you!?" Jane speaks quietly but roughly. "You should have never been born!"

I couldn't see my friend get bullied, she may have done it to me, but I can't stand bullying, as I know how it felt.

"You know what, Jane!?" I scream, "We all know the only reason why you bully is because of your parents! Everyone knows how they treat you! You may have things going on at home but don't bring it to school or take it out on others! I'm also certain your not completely straight!" Everyone stares at me in shock.

I just did that. I quickly get out my seat and run to the bathroom. Just after a couple seconds I hear the door open again.

"Max! Please... I just need some alone time!" I shout.

"Uh.. actually... it's Mike..."  I lift me head up to see him.

"M... Mike!? I thought you didn't know me!" I start to cry.

Mike walks over to me and stares at me. Our eyes are connected.

"I... I don't know what I was thinking..."

"You were ashamed of me... weren't you." I put my head down, but it is only lifted back up again by the boy.

"Will... I meant everything I said..."

At this point I didn't feel mad and him at all, I just wanted to hug him and let our lips connect.

"What if we were to... kiss in public..." I start to feel our hands touch, "then what would you do..."

"Only one way to find out..." Our hands are now fully attached to each other's, and Mike walks me out of the bathroom into the cafeteria, where everyone is staring.

"You sure your ok with this?" He whispers to me. I nod.

And all of a sudden he pulls me in so our lips are touching. I hear gasps all around us, but I didn't care. I pulled myself in closer and wrapped my arms around his neck.

The kiss lasted around 15 seconds, and as we both pulled away, everyone was staring at us. I went bright red.

"Don't focus on them, only focus on me" Mike whispers to me again.

I breathe in, "okay..."


Not proofread :)
Sorry if any mistakes or it doesn't make sense.
1007 words

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