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14th July, 1987

As I made my way down the halls I managed to bump on into the two mean girls. Well that's what I thought. Jane was there as normal, but Max wasn't. She was replaced by a boy. Troy Harrington. He would always bully me when I was younger but finally stopped when I was 15. I was so relieved. I had no bullying until I met those horrid, spoilt bitches. How could Mike date someone so disgusting.

"Hey, Byers. Look I'm sorry, Troy talked me out of bullying you and I feel like it's gone on too long." The short haired girl says.

"Wait... really?" I was so happy. Was my bullying finally going to stop?

"No you fag! Of course not!" The y'all boy stood over me and started laughing, in a horrid way.

I felt tears start to swell up in my eyes until a manly voice came from down the corridor.

"Jane!? I told you we were over if I caught you again! And are you cheating on me with Troy fucking Harrington!?" I turned around to see a lanky figure standing behind me, shouting at his girlfriend, well... ex-girlfriend now.

"M... Mike!? I- it's not what it looks like! I swear!"

"I don't want to hear it Jane! We're over!" As I watched the 'perfect' couple exchange a rough breakup, I felt somewhat happy and felt a smile appear on my face.

I tried to get out of the situation as best as I could, but every time I walked one way I would either end up get dragged back in by Mike or Troy, except Mike's was so much more gentle and warming.

I waited until the breakup was finally over, just to get dragged away by Mike again. But I didn't mind, I didn't mind at all. His hands were so warm and smooth. I felt my cheeks warming up and I went into a daze.

"Will?" I heard echoing from my daydream, then I realise it was real.

"Mike! Sorry just really tired! Uh... where are we exactly?"

"The cafeteria dummy, now what do you want?" Was Mike asking you pay for my meal? It was like a dream come true, even though it probably meant nothing to him.

"Carrot?" I say nervously.

"Carrot? What are you? Two years old?" Mike started giggling and so did I, not that the thing he just said was funny, but his laugh was gorgeous. "Joking, I'll get you a carrot."

"Thank you, Mike." I say and starting chuckling again.


As the two boys made their way to the seats in the lunch hall, Mike noticed El was waving him over to sit down. He pulled an annoyed look.

"Just ignore her, she's not worth it," Will said, as he noticed Mikes face.

"Oh.. uh yeah I know..." The taller boy replied.

The boys were almost at a table, until the smaller boy felt a tap on his shoulder. Troy Harrington was standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Troy? What do you wa-." Before the boy could finish his sentence he got pushed to the ground and his food went flying and landed all over him.

"Will? Will what just- Troy!?" The curly haired boy screamed. "Don't you dare touch him again!"

"I... uh I didn't know he was walking with you!" The frightened bully shouted screaming. Now the whole school was watching the three.

Mike grabbed Troy's T-shirt and pushed him to the ground, and started punching him  in the face.

Will watched while Mike punched the boy like his life depended on it. A couple tears ran down his eyes while doing this, until he couldn't take it anymore and ran to the bathroom to get watched up. Mike noticed this, and got off Troy while he was unconscious, and followed the small boy.

"Will? Will I'm sorry man!" Mike shouted, as he walked into the bathroom.

"Why did you do it?" A small voice came from the corner.

"I... I don't know..." The pale boy puts his head down, ashamed. "I guess I wanted to protect you..."

"The two boys walked up to each other, and hugged. But it felt like a spark went off in each of their stomachs.

"Let's get you washed up... ok?"

"Ok..." now both boys were smiling.

Mike went to grab a spare jumper out of his bag.

"It may be a bit big... but it's all I have." The boy says, while handing it to Will.

"Thanks, and it's perfect." Will put the jumper over his head. The sleeves were too long, and almost went down to his kneecaps.

"Here you have a little bit on your nose..." Mike took his thumb and wiped the smaller boys nose, but looked at his lips and blushed a couple times in the process.

Will noticed Mike blushing, and felt his cheeks warm up too. He felt butterflies in his stomach while he looked at the boys perfect, pink lips.

Now the boys faces were just a couple center-metres away from each other, and felt each other getting closer until someone walked in.

"Woah! Mike!? What's going on?" Lucas Sinclair has walked in on them and pulled a confused face.

"Nows not the time! You know!" Mike replied, pulling a 'get out of here face'.

"Ohhh! I see!" Lucas made a few kissing faces and then left the bathroom, leaving the two alone again.

"I should really get going... I guess I'll see you in class!" The small boy said nervously and quickly left the bathroom, leaving Mike along with his thoughts.

"What just happened!? Your not gay! But why and how did you almost kiss! We almost kissed? No I just got food off his face! Yeah! Right?" The boy thought, until the bell interrupted him. "Time to see him again..."


Finally a bit of Byer :)
Not proofread
-992 words

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