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Mikes POV

I ran inside my house not knowing what to do. I felt like I had nobody. I had to apologize to Will, but how? It was already 11:00 pm. Maybe the best thing for me to do was to get some sleep, and speak to him tomorrow at school.


The next day: at school


Wills POV

As i walked into school I saw my friends, Dustin and Max.

"Hey dude? Where's Mike?" Max asks.

"Yeah don't you usually walk to school with him?" Dustin adds on.

"He cheated on me..." I say.

"WHAT!?" They both scream.

"Who with? Was it with Troy? It better not have been with Troy!!"

"Calm down, Max, it was with El. And anyway, I think it was for the best. Me and Mike weren't made for each other, they were. The high school king and queen." I reply.

"Will, I'm so sorry to hear that..." Dustin comforts me.

"Yeah Will, and I'm totally beating her ass!" Max angrily says, holding her fist.

"Wait, seriously?" I ask, Max nods.


Mikes POV

I hardly got any sleep last night, and I didn't want to come in, but I knew I had to.

While I was looking for Will, I came across his bestfriend, Dustin.

"Hey Dustin! Have you seen Will anywhere?" I ask.

"Why should I tell you!?" He shouts.

"What do you- oh... he told you."

"Damn right he did! Now stay away from my best friend or there will be consequences!"

"Wait! Dustin! I need to tell you what actually happened..."

"Make it quick." He says.

I take a deep breath.

"Well, just before I was about to leave to visit Will, Jane knocked on my door. She wanted to tell me something which... I really shouldn't tell you. Anyway, she told me and then I realised the time, I was an hour late to the hospital. So I got up my things and ran, and just when I got there Will had already been released. And when I got back to my house, he saw Jane leaving... and that's it really." Wow that took a lot to explain.

"Right, and what did Jane tell you?"

"I told you, I can't say."

"Then how do I know your being legit?" Dustin asked, suspiciously.

"Fine! She said she likes Max! Okay? But don't tell anyone!" I blurt out. I felt bad. But if it was to get Will back, I would do anything.

𝗖𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆 𝗧𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 - BylerWhere stories live. Discover now