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TIME SKIP: walking home

"Why did you do it..." I heard the small boy walking next to me say.

"Because I had to prove to you..." I felt my cheeks heat up and I saw his redden (is that even a word lmao) too.

"Prove to me... what exactly?" Will gave me a small grin and giggled under his breathe.

"That I..." My mind couldn't think of anything to say, so I pecked him on the cheek and laughed.

We made our way back to my house and went up to my room.

"Hey Will?" We sat on the bed and started to do some homework.

"What's up?" He replied.

"I.. uh... I never gave your art book back..." I went up to my draw and took the book out, "your drawings are amazing by the way."

"Thank you..." Will looked upset. Had I said something?

"You okay?" I ask (oh no he's going to turn into normal mike).

"Hm? Yeh! I'm... great." I didn't want to bother him so I just chose to believe him.


TIME SKIP: school the next day


As I was walking through the corridor of my school, I felt stares and whispers all around me. Although I felt safer than normal. Mike was next to me and threatend anyone who was mean or hurt me. He was like an overprotective boyfriend. Except not. When I was at his house last night I thought he was going to ask me the big question. But instead just gave me back my art book...

We were almost at my locker when I felt a small tap on my shoulder. It was Max and Dustin.

"Hey guys!" I hug them both and we have a long chat.

I see Mike in the corner of my eye acting upset.

"Mike?" I say, I've never seen him upset before.

"Will..." He took both my hands and looked me in the eyes. "I uh..."

He took a deep breath.

"I know this is infront of everyone, but I have a question to ask you..." was this the moment? I'm sure it is! "Will you... Will you come to the party tonight with me?"

I felt a tear come in my eye and I ran to the bathroom.

"Will!? What was that for?" Mike turned me around and saw that I was crying, and gave me a big hug.

I felt so warm in his arms and I didn't want to separate from him.

"What's up?" He asks me.

"I... I don't know... I guess I just wanted you to ask me..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I felt two fingers rest on the bottom of my chin which caused me to look up and see Mike gazing into my eyes with bright pink cheeks.

"William Byers," he started to talk. "Ever since I met you I felt a spark between us. Whenever I would look at you I would feel my whole stomach turn."

Mike took a deep breathe.

"William Byers, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Before he could even finish the last word of his sentence I sprung into his arms.

"Yes!" I screamed.

He pulled me closer and he kissed me. I felt my cheeks heat up and I pulled myself in closer.

After a good 30 seconds I pulled away, and we both smiled.

"So party tonight?" I say.


TIME SKIP: getting ready for the party


I couldn't figure out what to wear. I had never been to a party before and I wanted to make sure I looked good for Mike.

I finally settled for a pink shirt and some grey trousers.

I decided I would get there early since the party was at my brothers good friend, Steve's house.

"Remember! No drinking, and be back by 11!" My mom shouted to me as I left the door.

"Got it!" I got onto my bike and started riding.




I decided to wear what I always wore to parties, a white shirt and some red shorts. Not the best combination but they are good for getting drunk in. Hopefully Will would drink too, otherwise the night will be dead.

"Leaving now mom!" I shout.

"Be back by 1 am!" She screams back.

I walk out my front door and get into my car.

Once I arrive at the party I noticed I was a little bit early, so I decided to take a few drinks before the party started. The I see that Will had pulled up.

"Will! Hey dude!" I scream.

"Mike? Are you drunk?" He asks.

"Wha... no sir!" I laugh and put my arm around him, leading him inside. "Here is building."

"Mike your so drunk! What the hell!" Will shouts at me.


Sorry for the wait and the kinda short chapter! But I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger sooo....
Not proofread because I'm lazy 🙃
879 words !

𝗖𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆 𝗧𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 - BylerWhere stories live. Discover now