Chapter 4: The Dream Of The Past

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I was sitting in front of the mirror quietly, just staring at my reflection. In two days, I'll get married to Crown Prince Yao Zhi. I have met him several times but it wasn't enough to know him better.

Abruptly someone knocks the door.

I could see Crown Prince through the reflection. He had something in his hands. I turned to face him.

"Should I call you Yun Xi or Yu'er like Nai-Nai?" He had a small smile on his face. "I don't know, it is up to you, my Lord." I bowed. "Aiya, Yun Xi."

He lifted my face through the chin. And our eyes locked. His eyes were clear like mirror. Giving me few glimpses of something I have no idea. I felt like downing in vivid images.

"I know you are nervous about the event." He whispered. It brought me back to reality. He slowly released me from his grip.

"I have a question for you, I hope you can them truthfully."

I nodded.

"Do you want this marriage?" He was calm. "I don't know I have never got to know you."

He smiled, satisfied with my answer. "After this marriage, we will have plenty of time to know each other."

"Consort Yun Xi." He called my name. "I swear on Thirteen Heavenly Skies and Twelve Demonic Realm, you will be my only wife. I shall be married to no one but you." He nudged my nose.

Oddly it made me happy.

"Lord Yao Zhi, can I ask you a favour?"

"Yes Yu'er, you are my wife. You can ask anything your heart desires."

"I want to learn current affairs."

"That can be arranged. I'll discuss every affair with you."

"Are you happy?"

"Yes, very much." I smiled.


It was late evening. I decided to have a short walk. Every inch of the Hua Manor was decorated.

Soon I was joined by Lord Gu.

"Consort Yun Xi, remember Gods don't give second chances."

"Lord Gu." I gave a soft bow. "Hua Guniang, you are getting married in two days."

"I know and I have accepted it. If Heaven wants us together, who am I to question it." I sighed. He pauses and laughs. "Hua Guniang, if Heaven actually cared about you, I wouldn't have to come here."

"What do you mean??"

"Have you heard the story of Jheng Er and Yun Fang?"

The names are familiar. "Their story ended in tragedy; I think I have heard it somewhere."

He gave a soft sad smile.

"Hua Guniang, whatever you said is true. They lived a life of tragedy, a tragedy they didn't deserve."

We paused in front of the Manor pond.

"Let's not talk about tragedies, when you are getting married."

"Hao." I whispered mindlessly, deep in thoughts.

I couldn't help but wonder, where did their love go wrong that it offended the Heaven.

"Hua Guniang?" Master Gu looked at me worriedly. "Yes, Lord Gu?"

"Do you play 'Go'?"

"Well, I had no chance." I gave a nervous laugh. Every time Nai-Nai tried teaching me, I fell asleep right after. Politics could never spark interest in me.

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