Chapter 7: A Flower Of Lies

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It's been a month since I stepped inside this palace as a bride. I stare at my reflection on the mirror as the maid helped me with dressing up.

She had the features of a nobility, why did she chose to become a maid? Something is fishy.

I sighed loudly, and the maid who was now helping with my hair froze. "Con... Madam Consort, is something wrong?" Her voice was laced with fear. "It's been a month, and I still don't know your names. Mei-Mei, what should I call you?" I asked enthusiastically. Her eyes widened. "Furen, are you serious?"

I chuckled. "Okay, then what should I call you?" "Furen, I am Qu, Qu Shi Ren." She nervously introduced herself. "Shi Ren." I whispered her name. Her eyes lit up with joy. "Shi Ren." I called her name again, but this time louder. "Will you like to be my friend?"

She halted. Silence.

"Shi Ren, it would be my pleasure if we could be friends." I coaxed her.

"But I am a maid, Furen."

"Quit calling me Furen. You'll address me as Yun Xi. It's an order." I said in as stern way as possible. I rose from my chair and was about to walk away.

"Wait, Yun Xi Jie." Shi Ren wailed. I paused.

"Hao, that's better." I smirked as I know I won.


The sky was beautifully shaded in peach and purple hues and the sun was about to set, and I haven't seen both Yao Zhi and Lord Gu for whole day. Even though this is not the first time it has happened. Their absence makes me sad.

"Fu... umm Yun Xi Jie, I have arranged the Guqin in the Lily Garden as you requested." Shi Ren told. "Hao." I smiled. Indeed, she is hard working.

I folded my sleeves as I settled into my seat. "Do you want me to play a particular song?" I asked as I lightly stroked the strings. She stayed silent.

If someone notices her fingers closely enough, her finger has string marks. Her arm muscles are defined.

Something about her tells a different story than she proclaimed. But I can't ask her, not yet.

I remember Lord Gu teaching, 'A woman's first weapon is her hairpin'.

If she catches it mid-air my doubts would be cleared.

But I have to wait, as patience is the key.

"Okay, if you can't think of a song, I am going to pick a song myself." I announce. I adjust my sleeves one last time, secretly I have placed the spare silver hairpin on my lap.

I start playing the guqin. I can hear her gasp. She sits beside me as she hums the tune. Suddenly my eyes fall on the Mei Hua flower tattoo on her wrist.

I pause and she traces the direction of my gaze. She tries to cover her tattoo. But it's too late.

"Qu Guniang, I know you are a Jianghu nobility. I don't know what is your purpose but you can quit acting in front of me." I scoff as I turn to face another direction.

She again remains silent.

"Don't make me regret for trusting you. You know, when I was Princess, I was used to of doing my things by myself. Yet I allowed you to help me with stuff." My voice cracks. "The only thing I hate the most is betrayal." I sighed loudly.

"Yun Xi Jie." She pleaded. I chuckled, "Did you think you can keep up the façade? Any trained eye can tell you are from Jianghu." I showed her the spare hairpin. "I wanted to test my theory, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt you." I said calmly.

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