Chapter 5: A Hindrance Of Lifetime

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My gaze falls tenderly on Fa Jing. How will she react when she'll wake up? Yu Hai clears his throat.

"Lord, Hua Jiang Guan is suspecting you."

"When everything is going smoothly, why this heavenly disgrace has to ruin everything." I mumble under my breath.

"Aiya, God Guan Jin surely has a thing for 4th Demon Lord."

I don't even need to turn to know it's Jing Jin, daughter of Heavenly Lynx and Demonic Phoenix. I could see Yu Hai shift in discomfort.

I keep my mouth shut as I try to ignore her.

She masterfully splays her palm on my shoulders. Yu Hai tenses beside be. Jing Jin then takes a look at unconscious Yun Guniang. "4th Demon Lord did you forget, nothing can be hidden away from this Jing Jin." She inches her face towards me, then pauses as she glances at Yu Hai, who has turned his face away.

She can never dare to touch me inappropriately. Not in front of Yu Hai.

"I know she is here for weeks, 4th Demon Lord" She smirks. "Don't worry God Guan Jin still has not idea where she is actually, but is surely searching her whereabouts." She whispers.

"But he is quite suspicious about your sudden movements." She finally got away from me.

"4th Demon Lord, remember not to mix fire and water together. Some mist can cause blisters." She said.

She went away, without saying goodbye, a typical Jing Jin trait. I chuckled.

"Yu Hai, what do you think of her?" I asked as I pointed toward Jing Jin. "She needs to grow up from her behaviour." He replied, annoyance dripping from his words.

"What's between you and Hua Jiang Guan?" Yu Hai asked. I am taken a back from his question.

"Yu Hai some questions are better not asked." I said as I vanished into my sleeping chambers.


While we were still learning to cultivate, I met Jing Mei and Fa Jiang, they were later adopted by the Grandmaster Hua of Yifei. I was sent to the Yifei Mountain too, but I found my peace in diabolism.

As all the heroic stories go, it didn't end happily. It just didn't.

He blamed me for something I didn't did. And my Clan Mother got angry. I was adopted by High Priestess Gu of Yuwei Valley. The relationship between Hua and Gu Clan was already sour, and our broken friendship was the final nail.

I haven't forgiven myself for whatever happened to Hua Yun Fang.

Suddenly someone knocks the door. I was expecting it to be Yu Hai but it's Jing Jin. "4th Demon Lord, there is a hindrance of a lifetime." She was breathing rapid and heavily as if she ran from all way up from Heaven.

"Jing Jin, you know what you have to do. Reinforce the shields."


(Intermission: Hua Jiang Guan)

I clenched my fists as sweat dripped from my forehead. My worst fear is coming true. I fell on the throne as the Temple Guard broke the awful news. Rian Sha is missing from the Temple altar.

The guard kept on begging for forgiveness, repetitively. I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "You may leave." I said through gritted teeth as calmly I could.

"Lord Jiang-"

"I said leave." I roared.

I sank back into my seat.

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