Chapter 10: The Harbinger (Part I Finale)

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If I tell myself nothing can scare me, I would be lying. I was scared for the first time when I saw Jing Mei hurt, even when I became a Great Demon I was scared when she asked me for Rian Sha. I thought she had lost all of my fond memories. At least I could give her a last resort, which I guess wasn’t a bad decision after all.

Suddenly I felt a change in environment. Yun Xi was releasing Yang Qi. Was she getting all her memories back at this moment?

Even if she gets her a little part of her memory back, I would leave this mortal world without any regrets. I guess I can go back to meditation in peace before the next storm strikes in.  

“Go.” Crowned Prince roared as loudly as the clouds above us thundered. “I am not like you.” Yun Xi yelled at her top of lungs, in oddly familiar dialect of Yifei Mountains. It made me smile.

I have never seen her so much in rage.

Nothing pleased my eyes more than watching her slay her enemies, the enemies who threatened to take away her happiness.

No one can take her happiness, not even the filth of Gods like Hua Jiang Guan and Tong Wu Tang.


(Yu Hai P.O.V.)

I filled my cup with sweet plum liquor as I spectate the mania ensuing. Apparently, all Hua are gifted with clairvoyance. Even if she is half mortal, she is the most powerful Goddess or Demigoddess I could ever meet.

I never believed that Demigods exist, until I met her.

She is probably siphoning her curse out. She thinks I don’t know about it. How naïve of her. I chuckled as I took a sip.

Suddenly I felt heartburn. It is quite difficult to remove a curse such as ‘Curse of Eternal Tragedies’. What if she hurts herself in this process? I shivered in terror.

Suddenly it started to rain heavily. Wasn’t that day raining? The fateful day Yun Xi was born.

I sighed. Today is the day I can’t prevent Cian Tou from using his powers, if he wants to. After all Jiang Guan should know, what is time bringing.


Fa Jing’s temporary quarters were awfully quiet. A feeling of dread set on me. Something is wrong.

Finally, I found her, meditating in the pond she made herself. Still it didn’t feel right. And my fear was turning true as soon as I touched her forehead. It felt cold. As cold as Tong Wu Tang’s stockpile of sweet plum liquor.

She is losing her qi. I frantically searched for a bottle of Blood Moon Flower nectar. As I returned, I heard her whisper something continuously. I brought my ears close but the language felt foreign.

“Fa Jing” I nudged her a bit. I took her out of the cold water and laid her on the grassy floor. The blackening of her veins was finally slowly disappearing. She opened her eyes and tried to sit on her own. Suddenly she puked out blood. There was a change in hue of her blood. Was she finally healed?

“This- this is the last bottle of your medicine.” I stuttered as I gave her the last nectar of this century. But she doesn’t have to know.

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