Chapter 7

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Elisa had showered after her intense fight and was now looking in the mirror of her bathroom. She didn't have a lot of bruises, but she felt empty.

She was away from her family and friends, her whole life, all she wanted to do was go home and curl into bed with one of her siblings or in laws, cry on her parents' shoulders about one of her insignificant problems and fight with Arianna about not wanting to go to a club.

She started crying, it was the first time she crying about her family. The only tears she ever shed were from happiness, when her brothers got married or when her sister in law gave birth to her nephew.

They must have been looking for her, everybody thought of her as their sunshine but right now she felt nothing. She knew if they didn't find her or she didn't escape she was doomed.

She punched the mirror and glass scattered all over her some even getting into her hand but she didn't care. She laid on the floor continuing to cry when the door burst open and Ivan came in.

His expression held worry and when he saw her just laying there glass all around her and crying, his heart broke in half. He felt as if someone stabbed him several times.

He went over to her and held her close to him as she cried. She didn't pull back because right now she needed someone. Someone to comfort her.

"Мне очень жаль, Виктория. Мне жаль, что я слишком эгоистичен, чтобы отпустить тебя, я обещаю, что не причиню тебе вреда. Я просто надеюсь, что тебя тоже не забрали у меня. (I'm sorry Viktoria. I'm sorry that I'm too selfish to let you go, I promise I will not hurt you. I just hope you aren't taken from me as well. ) "

He mumbled not knowing that Elisa understood everything he was saying. She snuggled into his chest, into the chest of a stranger that bought her, but she felt a warm feeling with him.


She asked in a small voice, she wanted to know more about him, to know if he was really Ivan Smirnov, if he was, she could go back to her family instantly.

"Yes, мой маленький цветок (my little flower)."

"What is your full name?"

She asked and he stiffened, he didn't want her to know about him and run away. He knew she was a fighter possibly an illegal one but he didn't want to risk it.

"Ivan Smirnov."

He said and Elisa nodded. She was a little disappointed that he wasn't her family's alley but right now she didn't mind his company at all. She leaned as close as she could to him and enjoyed every moment.

Soon enough, she felt sleep consume her and big strong arms lifting her up and placing her on the bed. Last thing she remembered was someone kissing her forehead.

She woke up the next morning and her knuckles were bruised up with some pieces of glass in them. She groaned at the sight before her and got into her now cleaned up bathroom. She found the first aid kit and took all the glass pieces out.

Once she was done she noticed that she was still in her towel. She was happy that Ivan didn't change her and she decided to put on some clothes.

Once she was ready she left the room and decided to thank Ivan for yesterday.

She knocked on his office door but there was no answer, she knocked again but it seemed that no one was there.

She turned around ready to leave but her curiosity got the best out of her and she opened his office door. Nobody was inside so she decided to sit at his desk chair.

On top of his desk there were files each and every one had a label on them. She took the first one that had the name Tatiana on it.

There was a picture with a girl that looked exactly like Ivan, she wore a floral dress and her hair was in a braid. The date of the picture was 7 years ago and Elisa was very intrigued.

She however, heard distant voices and decided to get out of the office as soon as possible. Once she got out she played it off as if she was now knocking on the door.

She shrugged and when she turned around she saw Dimitri and a girl come towards her.

"Is this the girl that beat you to a pulp?"

The woman said and laughed. Dimitri rolled his eyes and Elisa just chuckled.

"Hi, I'm Viktoria nice to meet you."

Elisa said and extended her hand. The girl shook it and did a courtesy.

"Well I am Anya, it a pleasure to meet you too."

She said and winked at Elisa.

"Jeez An calm with the flirting maybe she is straight."

Dimitri said and Elisa's eyes widened whereas Anya gave him a shut the fuck up look.

"Uhm yeah I am straight, but I think she was just being friendly Dimitri."

Elisa said and gave them both a smile. Anya stuck her tongue out and Dimitri just scoffed.

"So Anya and Dimitri you never told me what you all do for a living. It must something illegal since you know Ivan bought me."

Elisa said and winked at Dimitri when she saw Anya's expression.

"Что он сделал? Зачем она здесь? Почему она где-то не живет своей жизнью, как другие? Дмитрий, когда я доберусь до твоего лучшего друга, я задушу его. (He did what? Why is she here? Why isn't she somewhere living her life like the other ones? Dimitri when I get my hands on that best friend of yours I will strangle him.) "

By Anya's words Elisa realised that Ivan always bought girls and set them free. If he always did that what made her different? However, her question was answered by Dimitri.

"Потому что она его заинтриговала. Она крутая и у нее лицо богини, даже священник упадет на колени, чтобы увидеть ее. Мне тоже не нравится, что она здесь в ловушке, но Иван наш босс, поэтому мы делаем, как он говорит. (Because she intrigued him. She is badass and has the face of a goddess, even a priest would fall to his knees for a look from her. Now, I don't like her being trapped in here either but Ivan is our boss so we do as he says.) "

Anya sighed at what Dimitri said and nodded. Elisa's mind was racing again, what did Ivan want from her? He didn't know she was the princess of La Cosa Nostra, so what was it that he wanted?

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