Chapter 20

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This chapter is pure sexual content so if you are not comfortable with that please skip<3

Elisa woke up feeling small kisses being placed all over her neck. She giggled and enjoyed the moment.

Ivan's lips moved down to her breasts. He licked her nipple making her moan while his hand took her underwear off. He started going lower and lower until he was kissing her stomach.

He continued going down until his tongue was at her clit. He made circles with his tongue as she cried out in pleasure. She grabbed his hair bringing his face to hers.

She kissed him passionately and gripped his hair. He entered her unexpectedly and she bit his lip hard. She pulled away and moaned loudly as he pulled in and out of her. Her nails were scratching his back as she felt herself lost in his touch.

She turned them around and was now on top of him. She positioned him at her entrance and felt him going inside of her. She started moving up and down, her clit rubbing on him as she lowered herself, giving her double pleasure.

Ivan was groaning as he felt her pussy tighten around him. Her arousal was reaching its limit and she wanted to release herself. With one hard thrust, she felt herself letting loose. Her eyes almost rolled at the back of her head with the intense orgasm she was having. Once she had finished Ivan also released himself inside of her.

She fell next to him in bed and immediately Ivan put his arm around her, holding her so close as if she was going to leave. They were soon both consumed by sleep.

Elisa woke up first and studied Ivan's face, he was incredibly handsome. Then her eyes landed on his tattoos, he was covered in them. She traced the ink with her finger, tracing all the outlines of the tattoos. A little smile made its way onto her face.

Ivan seemed cold to his men and the people that worked for him, but he acted so nice and sweet to her. She had come to like him a lot, which seemed stupid since he basically bought her at an auction.

She was so zoned out that she didn't notice Ivan waking up. Upon seeing her naked form and the smile on her face, Ivan was not only turned on but a smile crept up his lips as well.

This amazing girl, he knew so little about, but nonetheless liked a lot, the girl he bought, the girl who would bring his child to this world had managed to enchant him with everything she did. Ivan grabbed her hand and turned them around, resulting in him being on top of her.

"Ivan get off, I need to shower. I'm all dirty and sticky."

She said giggling.

"Fine, we can shower together. Just to save water."

He said and gave her a wink. Elisa wanted to roll her eyes but she held back remembering the pleasurable torture she went through last time.

The two got up and went into the shower. There was glass surrounding the shower and Elisa's thoughts were running wild, about what the two could do against the doors.

She didn't notice she was biting her lip intensively until she felt Ivan's hot breath on her. His hands were running up and down against her arms, leaving goosebumps.

"What were you thinking about, love?"

He whispered seductively into her ear and the small hair on her back raised.

"Nothing in particular."

She managed to breathe out, not daring to turn around.

"I think we both know that's a lie."

He whispered even slower, biting her earlobe. Before Elisa could respond he turned her around and her back was against the glass wall.

"Will you tell me now?"

He said and pressed his hard dick on her pussy. She moaned but still didn't answer. She was avoiding his gaze like the plague, since she knew his gaze would make her weak on her knees. He touched her chin and lifted her head up, making her face him.


He asked again pressing even further, exactly on her clit.

"I was thinking about... Having sex here, against the glass."

She admitted and Ivan's expression changed to a devilish one. He picked one of her legs in his arm, whereas with his other hand he positioned himself at her pussy. With one hard thrust he was inside of her. She started moaning loudly, while Ivan was roughly pulling her hair.

"Yes, scream for me Viktoria."

He said and Elisa couldn't help but do as told. She was screaming his name loudly not caring if anyone heard. He stopped and turned her around. She bent giving him a full few of her leaking pussy and bare ass.

"Fucking beautiful."

He said and gave her ass a hard slap, making her moan. He put his dick inside of her and simultaneously landed another hard slap on her ass.

In life Elisa was always a strong and independent woman but when it came to sex she loved being submissive, she loved to be hit and be a subservient to her partner. That's why sex with Ivan for her was pure bliss, he was so dominant which was a huge turn on for her.

Ivan was landing slap after slap on her ass while his thrusts were hard and fast.

"Daddy is going to cum babygirl."

He said and Elisa was ready for it. She enjoyed it immensely when he finished inside of her and she could feel his seed almost at her stomach. Not long after he finished inside of her. However, Elisa needed more, so she started rubbing herself.

An inhumane growl was heard from Ivan but she continued what she was doing. Her eyes were closed and her head was thrown back in pleasure. She herself cummed and Ivan licked her sticky fingers that were filled with her juices.

"You should have told me to wait for you, love."

Ivan said and placed a kiss on her lips. Elisa shrugged and turned the shower on. She and Ivan showered, occasionally throwing foam at each other and laughing. Elisa realised that she loved spending time with him alone, maybe it was fate that had them stuck with each other.

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