Chapter 12

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Elisa woke up to an empty bed, where Ivan was supposed to be. The events of last night replayed in her head and she face palmed herself for expecting him to be with her.

She got up, her ankle was a bit better and she was able to walk without limping. She walked to the small kitchen and saw Ivan over a pan trying to make eggs.

The sheets were wrapped around her since she didn't want to wear clothes and Ivan was only wearing boxers. She laughed upon seeing him trying to make eggs which caught his attention.

He gave her a smile and studied her attire and body. Some oil splashed on him from the pan which made him return his gaze to his cooking. The fire alarm went off and he dropped the pan into the sink.

"How about we go out for breakfast?"

He said and smiled. Elisa chuckled and playfully rolled her eyes. They got dressed and Elisa tried to cover her hickeys with make-up.

Ivan drove to a small cafe nearby which looked beautiful small and cozy. They sat on a table inside and a waiter came to take their orders.

"Привет, что я могу вам предложить? (Hello, what can I get you?)"

The waiter asked and the two placed their orders. Once their food came the waiter discreetly left a piece of paper on Elisa's side and gave her a wink.

Ivan noticed and sent him a death glare. It was folded in two and when Elisa opened it she saw a phone number. She rolled her eyes and signalled for the waiter to come over. Ivan had an angry expression on his face but didn't speak.

"Uhm excuse me I think you left this here by mistake."

She said and gave him the small piece of paper back.

"No mistake."

The waiter said and winked again. Elisa wanted to throw up but she continued.

"Okay wait."

She said and smiled. She wrote something to the paper and gave it back. Once the waiter read it he frowned, put the paper back down and left.

"What was on that paper?"

Ivan asked trying to mask his anger.

"That idiot's phone number."

Elisa said and continued eating her breakfast. Once they were finished they got up to leave and Ivan looked at the paper to see Fuck off written on it. He smiled a little and they continued walking.

"So what do I wear to dinner tonight?"

She asked Ivan since she didn't know what to wear for the dinner with his parents.

"Anya got you a dress before we came here, it's probably in your suitcase somewhere."

He said and Elisa just nodded. There was a long and uncomfortable silence when they got into the car.

"About yesterday..."


They both said at the same time. They both laughed a little but Ivan spoke first.

"Yesterday was pretty fun."

He said and smiled.

"Yeah it was."

Elisa said and gave him a smile in return.

"I wanna take you on a date."

He said and Elisa's eyes widened. Going on a date wasn't part of the plan he was supposed to be just a fuck. She was silent for quite some time trying to think about her answer.


She said. She knew she couldn't get attached with someone who she was lying to, with someone who bought her, with someone that was basically after her but he wasn't that bad. Deep down he was very sweet and he seemed genuine. Maybe she could give him a chance before he found out the truth.

"Okay then."

He said and smiled brightly. Once they reached their hotel, they went into their room and Elisa went into the bathroom immediately since she needed to start getting ready.

She didn't have supplies like a curler or a straighter so she needed to improvise. She used gel to get her hair in a slick conservative ponytail and then decided to shave her legs.

After she was done with that she started on her make-up. It was simple yet elegant with sharp eyeliner and natural tones on her eyeshadow.

She went back into the bedroom and searched through her stuff to find a beautiful dress. It was a baby pink colour and made of silk, it was tight at the top and flowy at the bottom. Since she couldn't wear hills yet due to her injury she chose to wear cream coloured flats.

She never weared light colours so this look was completely new for her. Once she was ready she went into the living room where Ivan was waiting for her. He was wearing a black suit with a black shirt underneath. He looked really handsome in total black and Elisa smiled a little at herself.

As if he sensed her, he turned around and his mouth dropped open.

"Woah Vik, you look incredibly."

He said and she gave him a bright smile.

"You don't look so bad yourself."

She said and Ivan chuckled. He held his hand out for her to take. She gladly took and the two left their room.

Once they were downstairs a black maserati was parked right outside the door. Elisa was a big car fun so when she saw the car she gasped and tried to run there but her ankle didn't quite let her.

"So I get it you like cars?"

Ivan said and chuckled.

"Who wouldn't like this baby?"

She asked rhetorically and studied the car. Ivan opened the passenger seat and gestured for her to get inside.

"No driver today?"

She asked as she got into the amazing car.

"No, I need to impress you somehow."

He said and shrugged. They drove in a comfortable silence until they reached a red light. Something came over Elisa and she took her seatbelt off, turned around and kissed Ivan. Her hands travelled to his belt, her hand touching him over his pants. A honk was heard and the two noticed that the light had turned green.

Elisa sat back at her seat, cleared her throat and put her seatbelt on. Ivan just winked at her and continued driving, after some time they reached a big beautiful house.

"Well sweetheart, time to meet my parents."

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