Chapter 19

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"Welcome home guys."

Dimitri's voice was heard and Ivan put Elisa down. He insisted on carrying her bridal style up to her room.

"Hi, Dim."

Elisa said and smiled sweetly. Ivan just nodded at Dimitri and picked Elisa up again. Dimitri whistled as they walked away and Elisa just showed him her middle finger.

Ivan took her to his room and opened the door before letting her down.

"Ivan why are we at your room?"

She asked really surprised since she remembered him telling her, he will take her to her room.

"Um, I figured since you are, you know, pregnant and all, I don't want you to feel alone and if something happens I want to be there. So if you are okay with it, if you are not it's fine really, you could sleep with me?"

Ivan said and rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn't good with trying to voice his thoughts when it came to Elisa but Elisa's giggle made him less uncomfortable.

"It's nice that you get all nervous."

She said and quickly pecked his lips.

"Only when asking you for couple-y shit like this."

He said and rubbed his temples. Elisa enjoyed seeing him nervous, it meant that she had a strong affect on him.

"Vik I had my men put something together in the last couple of hours and I want to show you."

He said and smiled. Elisa raised an eyebrow at him but he just held his hand out for her. She took it and he led her to the room that was right across from Ivan's.

He took a key from his pocket and opened the door. Elisa gasped and Ivan wrapped his arms around her belly, his head resting on her shoulder.

In front of Elisa was a nursery with everything a baby could possibly need inside. The walls were painted a soft tone of yellow whereas all furniture was white with gold details.

"I know it's early but I wanted to show you that I'm serious about this."

He whispered in her ear before placing a kiss on her shoulder.

"Ivan it's amazing. It's beautiful."

That's all she managed to say since she was at awe.

"I know you don't like yellow as a colour believe me I don't either. My mom, however, used to say that yellow is the colour of happiness, the colour of the sun and sand. Yellow symbolizes the good and happiness in this world so I had my men paint the room yellow, because I truly believe our child will only bring happiness into the world. "

He said and Elisa truly teared up. She turned around and hugged him tightly.

"You're so sweet Ivan."

She said and showered him with kisses. They heard a knock on the door and Elisa got down.

"Come in."

Ivan said and Dimitri appeared.

"Hey I have a...Woah why the fuck is there a baby room?"

He asked genuinely surprised. Elisa gave Ivan a weird look, since she believed Ivan would have told him.

"Well Dimitri we are having a baby."

Ivan said and Elisa took a deep breath. It still felt weird that she was really pregnant.

"Oh my God! I will be an uncle."

Dimitri said and jumped up and down. He ran and picked up Elisa twirling her around which earned him a growl from Ivan. He then clapped his hands together and smiled.

"Dimitri I know you're excited but you have to keep your mouth shut. People can't know that Viktoria is pregnant, since we are not married she isn't part of us and people won't hesitate to kill her."

Ivan's tone changed to one of seriousness. Dimitri's expression also changed and he bowed his head to the two before leaving the room.

"So what do you want to do today?"

Ivan asked her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Can we go shopping? I need some food from the supermarket, a diary from a bookstore and some new clothes."

She said and Ivan nodded. They immediately started walking to the car. Ivan always opened the door for her which always made her smile.

"So you write in a diary? "

Ivan asked not taking his eyes from the road.

"Yeah, I write down all my sins."

She said with a chuckle.

"So you have a diary of sin that anyone could use against you?"

He said chuckling as well.

"Yes that's basically it."

They first went to a mall so that Elisa could buy new clothes. She definitely needed more airy clothing. She bought a wide variety of dresses and the two went into the bookstore next so she could buy her diary. She bought a black, leather diary with small silver details. Their next stop was the supermarket which wasn't too far away.

"Let's get a cart."

Ivan said and Elisa nodded. Ivan was holding their cart while Elisa picked up all kinds of food. Ivan stopped in his tracks when he felt that someone was following them, he checked from his peripheral vision to see a man right behind them.

"Viktoria, we are being followed. "

He whispered in her ear. Elisa immediately tensed up, not wanting to hurt her baby but she was going to fight if she had to.

Ivan saw the man move his hand to his waistband most likely to grab a gun, but Ivan was faster. He shot the man down and the two started running from aisle to aisle hearing shots being fired and glass breaking. They knew that he wouldn't be alone, they were most likely outnumbered and they didn't want to risk endangering their fetus.

They got into Ivan's car as fast as they could and Ivan started driving incredibly fast. She checked her mirror to see there was a car right behind them, most likely after them. 

"Ivan give me your gun."

She ordered and Ivan did as told. She opened the window and placed half of her body out. She aimed at the car tires, shooting the two front ones.

She had never been more grateful that her father demanded that her aim was perfect. They reached the house shortly after and Ivan immediately placed his lips on hers.

"You are perfect Viktoria, so fucking perfect."

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