Chapter 9

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The look on his face changed and there was silence. Elisa felt suffocated, the atmosphere had changed and she wanted to take her words back right this instant.

"None of your business."

Ivan said angrily and got up, leaving her alone. His reaction didn't sit well with her if he didn't want to tell her, he didn't have to mention his sister. She got up and went after him into another room.

"If you didn't want to tell me about your sister, why the hell did you mention her?"

She growled and Ivan got even more angry. He knew this woman very little and he felt that she was invading his privacy.

"Oh fuck off Viktoria."

He said and looked away.

"Don't look away when I'm talking you. You say you want me to respect you, but maybe you need to learn respect yourself."

She said and turned around but she felt a familiar hand turning her back around.

"Don't you turn your back on me Viktoria."

"Well I should have turned my back on you from the beginning. I don't know why I even bothered coming after you. You are just a big, narcissistic asshole who thinks he can just get angry and leave. "

She yelled and pushed him back. She left the room and went back into her seat completely furious with both Ivan and the events from before.

She didn't feel bad about speaking to him like that since she thought he deserved it. She really wanted to get away from him and his anger issues but at that moment she knew, she was stuck with him for a while.

For the rest of the journey she didn't see Ivan at all, she found some spare papers and wrote all her feelings and anger, making a mental note to stick them in her diary later on.

Once the plane landed she got out herself not bothering to wait for Ivan and got into the black SUV she assumed to be Ivan's.

Ivan got into the car shortly after and didn't even spare her a glance, she was incredibly mad at him so she didn't mind the silence.

Once the car came to a stop, she saw a big luxurious hotel under the name Sunset. She was sure that Ivan must have owned the hotel since all the staff bowed their heads as he entered.

A groom showed her and Ivan to their rooms or so Elisa thought. The groom showed them one room, not two. Elisa took a deep breath and hoped that the room had two separate beds. She didn't want to speak to Ivan so she just entered without complaining.

She put her bags down and immediately went into the shower. She locked the door and undressed her self feeling relieved after the day's events. As the cold water hit her skin she felt free like she was flying.

When she was finally done she stepped out but slipped and fell to the floor. Almost immediately she heard footsteps and probably Ivan banging on the door.

"Viktoria? Or you okay? Open the door."

He screamed and continued banging on the door.

"I'm fine."

She said and groaned. She tried to get up but fell right back down, when a stinging pain ran through her ankle.

"Viktoria I will break the door down."

He said and Viktoria rolled her eyes. However she couldn't get up and she was hurting too much to tell him to fuck off.

True to his word the door came crashing down and a worried Ivan appeared. He saw her on the floor her hands wrapped around her ankle breathing heavily.

He picked her up bridal style, not caring that she was in a towel. She was in no position to complain or object. He carried her to a different room where there was a desk and a young woman wearing a doctor's uniform.

"Viktoria this is Dr. Svetlana, she works here at the hotel. Just tell her where it hurts."

Ivan whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead. Normally, Elisa would slap him for doing that but right now he showed her that he cared about her well-being.

She took her eyes off Ivan and she saw the beautiful young woman. She had wonderful and shiny blonde hair that was tied in a conservative bun, her eyes were bright blue, almost white and she had a model-like body.

"Она говорит по-русски, сэр? Потому что мой английский не очень хорош. (Does she speak Russian sir? Because my English isn't very good). "

The doctor said and Elisa wanted to say she does but that would blow her cover up.

"Нет, она этого не делает, но, пожалуйста, относитесь к моей жене бережно и дайте ей все, что ей нужно. (No, she doesn't but please treat my wife with care and give her whatever she needs. ) "

Elisa's eyes widened when she heard him call her his wife and the doctor had the same expression. However, the doctor just nodded and set her on the bed. The doctor examined her ankle and looked for any other injuries.

"У нее сильно опухла лодыжка, поэтому она не может ходить. На нее нужно положить лед, и через день она будет в порядке. (Her ankle is very swollen, that's why she can't walk. You need to put ice on it and in a day she should be fine.) "

Elisa was relieved to hear that she didn't have any major problems. Ivan just nodded and thanked the doctor, he picked her up again, carrying her to their room.

He let her down into their bedroom so she could get dressed. She got dressed in comfortable clothes, sweatpants and a T-Shirt ,more specifically, and opened the door.

She limped into the small living room of their suite only to find Ivan sitting on a couch, drinking a whiskey and rubbing his temples together.

She understood that he was very worried about her and she appreciated it but that didn't make him any less of a douch. Without him turning to face her she heard his voice.

"Viktoria, can I talk to you?"

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