Chapter 25

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She looked at the man who she called brother in awe. He had large black bags under his eyes, he looked like he hadn't shaved in a long time and his once bright eyes were bloodshed.

"Lizzie, Sei veramente tu? (Is that really you?) "

Her brother asked but she was stuck at her spot. She tried to understand if it was reality, or just one dream. Sergey's crying pulled her out of her trance. She shook her head and then started rocking Sergey back and forth.

"Shh, baby we are with dada now."

She said but that didn't calm him down.


Elisa yelled loudly, covering her son's ears. Dimitri came running into the office.

"Oh hi Leo."

He said but Leonardo didn't respond. She gave Sergey to Dimitri and told him to leave.

"Viktoria what the fuck is going on?"

Ivan asked.

"I am the one that should be asking you that."

She yelled at him.

"You're a liar."

She spat at him. They were both ignoring Leonardo who looked completely lost in thought.

"Seriously? I am a liar? Why did he just call you Elisa? How the fuck do you know him?"

Ivan yelled, a vain popping on his forehead meaning he was fuming with anger.

"Because that's my fucking name. But what's yours Ivan? Is it perhaps Ivan Petrov?"

They were both yelling incredibly loud.

"So you are Elisa Ferrari and you've just been lying to me this whole fucking time."

"You did the exact same thing, so don't fucking accuse me of lying. You bought me at a hecking auction, did you really expect me to tell you my real name? Or did you expect me to reveal it when I learned you're after me?"

"Did you really think I would give the mother of my child to Jesùs?"

"You fucking should Ivan, he has your freaking sister. "

Their yelling could be heard through the whole mansion, Leonardo was just observing the fight lost in thought.

"I would never give you up Viktoria. We could have figured that shit out."

"And what about you? Huh? What reason did you have to hide who you were?"

"Because maybe just maybe I thought that you would hate me for it. "

"What does our son's birth certificate say? What's his last name?"


"I asked what the hell our son's birth certificate has written as his last name."

"My real fucking last name Viktoria. It says Sergey Alessio Petrov."

He said and honestly Elisa didn't have anything else to say to him. They were both liars and their whole relationship was built on them.

"Was anything of what we had real?"

She asked and tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.

"What do you think, Vik?"

He said and walked towards her. He put his arms around her, holding her as close as he could.

"I'm sorry I lied."

She said snuggling into his chest.

"I'm sorry too love."

He said and placed a kiss on her forehead. They heard a throat being cleared which reminded them that Leonardo, was still standing there. Elisa looked at him with a huge smile and immediately jumped on him, kissing his cheeks.

"I missed you so much Leonardo, all of you so fucking much."

She said hugging him as tight as she could.

"I missed you too Liz but can you please tell me what's going on?"

He said and Elisa jumped down. She ran back to the living where Dimitri, Sergey and Ana were, taking Sergey in her arms. She went back into the office and stood next to Ivan.

"Leo, meet Sergey Alessio Petrov our son."

She said sweetly and Leonardo took a step forward. He looked at Sergey and placed a kiss on his cheek making him laugh. Then he took a step towards Ivan and punched him hard in the face, fixing his suit after.

"That's for getting my sister pregnant."

Leonardo said with a sarcastic smile.

"Well he said his first words today."

Elisa said and she saw a sad expression on Ivan's face.

"I wish I was there, what did he say?"

He asked and Elisa gave him Sergey.


Sergey said and Elisa clapped her hands. Ivan showered his face with kisses while he laughed.

"Now that all conflicts are resolved, Leo why are you here?"

Elisa asked. It wasn't that she wasn't happy to see him, she was ecstatic but his visit was to say the least a surprise to her.

"Ivan and I have been talking, since Jesùs made him the deal in order to both find you and take his sister back. By the way how did you end up here?"

Leonardo asked trying to put the pieces together on how his sister ended up with Ivan.

"Funny story actually."

Ivan began, laughing uncomfortably.

"He bought me at an auction."

Elisa said honestly and Ivan gave her a look. Leonardo immediately took his gun out and pointed it at Ivan.

"You bought her?"

He yelled and Sergey started crying.

"Leo put the gun down right this instant, you're making Sergey cry."

Elisa ordered in her authoritative voice. Leonardo knew better than to mess with an angry Elisa and put the gun down.

"Pack your stuff, Liz. You and Sergey are coming to Italy with me."

Leonardo said angrily.

"Fuck no."

Ivan spat back.

"You think buying my sister and getting her pregnant is okay? They are coming back to their rightful family."

"I'm his father, what rightful family are talking about?"

"Their rightful place is with La Cosa Nostra not with The Bratva."

"Leonardo, you should know better than to try and take my son away from me."

"Is that a threat Ivan?"

The two men were now an inch apart, glaring at each other. Sergey was still in Ivan's arms and he started crying again. Elisa went in between them, taking her Sergey.

"Both of you calm down. Leonardo, Ivan is now my family too and my rightful place is with him and our son.  We will come to Italy, but we will come together and then we will come back to our home."

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