Chapter 8

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Two months. She had been here for two whole months and she felt that she was going to go crazy any minute now. She had come closer with Anya and Dimitri but she almost never saw Ivan.

Earlier today Dimitri had come into her room and told her that she and Ivan were leaving for Russia today. In all honesty she had forgotten about it, she didn't even know what they would go to Russia for.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her deep thought.

"Come in."

She yelled and Anya came into her room with a smile on her face.

"Why are you smiling?"

Elisa asked and rolled her eyes.

"Because you are going to my mother land and I want a favour."

Anya said and Elisa raised an eyebrow.

"I want you to bring me a Samovar."

Elisa's eyes widened she expected something more modern then a Samovar.

"Don't look at me like that, I want to have something traditional of my mother land with me in America."

Anya said and Elisa just chuckled. After two hours of talking with Anya and packing, she was ready to leave.

A man came in and told her to follow him. He took all her luggage and showed her to a black SUV. Inside, Ivan was seated and he looked perfect. His hair was pulled back and the white shirt he sas wearing highlighted all his muscles.

Elisa was at shock for a minute, thinking how could this man look so good all the time. She composed herself and stopped staring at him. She sat next to him but his eyes never left the phone he was holding.

"Staring is rude, мой маленький цветок. (my little flower) "

He said still not taking his eyes from his phone.

"I wasn't staring."

She said getting immediately into defensive mode which caused Ivan to chuckle. He finally looked up from his phone and they made eye contact.

"We are going to my parents for dinner after we land, don't mention anything about our situation."

He ordered her and she rolled her eyes.

"Do not roll your eyes at me, Viktoria."

Her name sounded so much better when it came out of his mouth and she was very turned on by his authoritative persona but she was never going to show him.

She liked to defy him and make him mad, it was like a breath of fresh air. She rolled her eyes and in a second Ivan had grabbed her and she was on his lap. He grabbed her neck and got closer to her.

"Next time you defy my orders I will punish you so hard, that you will not sit down for a week."

His whispers brought goosebumps on her skin and she wanted him to punish her, to have sex with, to make her legs hurt so she did something that would lead her to that. She kissed him passionately, her hands gripping his hair tightly.

His one hand was at her waist whereas the other still grabbed her neck. Their tongues danced and fought for dominance but Elisa knew from the start that Ivan could dominate her any day of the week.

***a little sexual***

She started rocking her hips back and forth, grinding on him and letting out small moans. Ivan was now very hard and she was drippind from just feeling him.

He gripped her hair and kissed her neck as she let out small moans. They were lucky the SUV had a small that separated the driver and them.

"My little flower, I want to fuck you so bad."

He whispered into her ear seductively, she was turned on to the max and she needed some action. However, as she started unbuttoning his shirt the car came to a stop which meant they reached the airport.


Elisa cleared her throat and composed herself before getting out of the car. Ivan fixed up his shirt buttons and pants and followed suit.

Once their stuff was in the plane they also went inside. Ivan had his own private jet which was absolutely beautiful, the seats were white with gold details and everything was prestine.

She had travelled with her family's private jets many times but this one was very different. The colours and themes were bright, whereas she and her family always expressed themselves with dark colours.

She sat at a couch and saw a magazine on top of the counter. It was a fashion magazine, so she quickly let it down. She was a very peculiar human being and she never enjoyed things most girls did.

"So Viktoria, tell me something about you."

She heard Ivan's voice say. She mentally laughed since he didn't even know her real name, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"I like cats."

She said and looked away. Ivan chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

"Well I like dogs."

He said and Elisa shrugged, not really caring.

"So how did you learn to fight like that?"

He asked and Elisa wanted to punch him for asking so many questions. She did want to have sex with him but it was merely physical attraction.

"It runs in the family I guess."

"Oh your parents are fighters?"

"My mom is skilled but father prefers using guns."

Ivan's eyes widened, he didn't know her family background, so he didn't know how her father even got his hands on guns.

"How about you? Tell me something about you."

She said trying to sound interested. All she wanted was to get information about him so that she could escape, she was here for two months which was already too long.

"I'm an open book. We are going to Russia to meet my parents and I also have a sister."

He said gulped with the last sentence, he didn't know if should have used past tense, since he didn't even know wether his sister was still alive or not.

"Ah that's nice, but where is your sister? I haven't seen or met her."

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