Chapter 29

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Elisa woke up in a bed, her head throbbing, a piercing headache overwhelming her. She recalled the past day's events, only to remember a cloth being placed over her face.

"Hey, calm down you're okay."

She heard a sweet, soothing voice telling her. She looked around the room, only to be faced with a woman, older than her, that looked extremely like Ivan.


Her voice was trembling, she wasn't scared but whatever sedative they used had a clear affect on her.

"That's me, you must be the infamous Elisa."

Elisa could detect a distant Russian accent. She looked at Tatiana again, studying her, she was extremely beautiful but looked as if she hasn't slept or eaten in days.

"Where are we?"

Elisa asked, locking eyes with her current perhaps roommate.

"I don't know, I haven't gotten out in many years."

Tatiana said with a small laugh, but her anxiety was evident.


Elisa said and immediately her mind went back to her trackers. She touched her ears only to realise her earrings were missing, as well as the hidden knife she had in her bra.

"They took all your jewelry and a knife you had hidden in your bra."

Tatiana informed her and Elisa sighed audibly.

"Are you and my brother married?"

Tatiana said, avoiding Elisa's gaze like the plague.

"No, but we have a wonderful baby boy together."

Elisa said trying to sound sweet. From what she'd gathered, Tatiana hadn't been out for a long time. She wanted to try and make it all better, even if it meant talking about the people she might never see again.

"I know, can you please talk to me about Ivan and your son? How are they? I heard Ivan is pretty successful."

Tatiana said, now sounding extremely excited, a sweet smile gracing her face.

"Well, Ivan is the leader of the Bratva, something I didn't know until recently. He thinks he's all big, strong and powerful, but he acts like a child most of the times. I love him, dearly and I'm glad my son has him as a father. As for Sergey, he's a very happy baby, he cries only when people yell or when his dad isn't there. "

Elisa said a tear rolled down her cheek, she needed to get out of here, she didn't want to die, she wanted to live with her son and the love of her life.

"Woah, I always thought Ivan would marry that weird Christian girl, he always hang out with."


"Yes, that's the one. I never really liked her, she bullied our cousin, because he dressed more feminine."

"I know, I beat her up."

Elisa said shrugging, but before Tatiana could utter another word Jesùs came in.

"Hello ladies. Tatiana I'm glad you can talk again. Now, Elisa your trackers have been obtained, which means no contacting your family of psychos."

His voice was filled with humour, making both women angry.

"Why are you doing all this?"

Tatiana said, trying to hold back her tears. She knew her fate was sealed but she never wanted her brother's family involved.

"Are you familiar with the draconian measures? An eye for an eye? A tooth for a tooth?"

He said, sitting at the chair right across them. Elisa raised her eyebrow, silently asking him what he was talking about.

"Leonardo Ferrari and that wife of his are responsible for my brother's murder. So, a sibling for a sibling."

He said, getting up and leaving the room. Elisa was trying to think what he meant, who his brother was, who her family had killed.


She mumbled realising, who his brother was.

"Do you know who his brother is?"

"His brother was a piece of shit, blinded by love and manipulation. He kidnapped my sister in law, so his girlfriend could have Leonardo. They killed him and now he wants revenge."

Elisa said, rubbing her temples. She was scared, she didn't want to die yet. Her mind raced back to the conversation she had had with Amelia. The tracker, she had one last tracker installed in her body, a tracker that Jesús didn't know about.

"I need a computer."

Elisa said, gathering her thoughts.

"All the computers are in the tech room. I have the guard shifts memorized so maybe you can go in."

"I need to get there as soon as possible."

Tatiana looked at the ticking clock on the wall. A bright smile appeared on her face when she saw the time.

"You can go now, you have exactly 7 minutes. Third door on the left, don't get caught."

Elisa immediately got up, trying to stay quiet. Her eyes scanned the hallway for any possible movement. To her luck Tatiana was right and no-one was there. She found the room, it was filled with all sorts of equipment.

Her eyes immediately landed on the computer screen that was placed right in the middle of the room. She sat down and got to work.

"Motherfuckers. I bet their code is lilbitches3000. Good job Elisa now you're talking to yourself, trying to act funny."

She said to herself while she tried to figure out their code. A big smile graced her face when she saw a small piece of paper with a code written on it. She quickly typed it and the computer opened.

"Wow they are also incredibly stupid, big surprise."

She mumbled again. At that moment she was extremely happy about the boring lessons Eduardo had given her on computers and hacking. She activated her small tracker, the loading bar was going slowly and she was getting more nervous by the minute. Soon enough, the guards would come in and she didn't feel like getting caught.

When the bar reached 99% she heard distant footsteps, making her curse under her breath. The footsteps stopped and nothing was heard. She let out the breath she was holding, the bar simultaneously reaching 100%. A hand on her shoulder, made goosebumps appear and her heart rate raise.

"It's rude to sneak around."

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