Chapter 31

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"Daddy can you tell me a bed time story?"

Sergey asked his father while he situated himself better on his small bed.

"Of course what story would you like for me to tell you?"

Ivan asked while stroking his son's hair. A big smile graced Sergey's face and his eyes flushed mischief and excitement.

"Can you tell me a story about mommy please?"

He said innocently. Ivan passed him a sweet and loving smile before taking a deep breath.

"Your mother was a princess, in a kingdom far away. One night some bad men tried to harn because of her undeniable beauty, but they didn't expect me to save her. I took your mother to my own castle, where she met all of your uncle and aunts. However, her family didn't know where she was and they were very worried."

"But papa Val loves mommy very much, why didn't she call him? "

Ivan laughed at his son's question. He was truly a very smart kid, way ahead of his age.

"You are still young, when you get older I will tell you the big secret."

"Daddy I am three, I am a big man now. "

Sergey said frowning a bit. Ivan was desperately trying not to laugh with his son's words.

"What are my two men talking about?"


Sergey exclaimed, jumping out of his bed and running towards his mom. He hugged her legs, his little head resting on her belly.

"Hi, sweetie. Why aren't you sleeping?"

Elisa asked while kneeling down to hug her son.

"Because I am a big man now. Daddy just doesn't want to believe he isn't the man of the house anymore."

Sergey said, crossing his arms. A big laugh escaped Elisa's lips while Ivan chuckled.

"Sergey honey, I know it's late but daddy and I have a little surprise for you."

Elisa said sweetly. Afte she'd been shot and nearly died, she decided on spending most of her time with her family. Her son was now 3 years old and she couldn't have been happier. The small clapping of hands pulled her out of her thoughts.

Ivan planted a kiss on her lips and took one their son's hands in his own. Elisa took the other one and led him to the living room. A little girl was sitting on the couch about the same age as Sergey.

"Who is this, mommy?"

Sergey asked curiously.

"This is your new sister, baby. She was living a hard life and we decided to help her by giving her a home. You have to be nice. Remember, always protect and love her."

His mother said. Once the little girl noticed them she started running towards them, as fast as her little legs could take her at least. She and Sergey hugged while the couple watched their children bond.

"Now, play time tomorrow it's sleep time."

Elisa said strictly, leading the two children to their rooms. Once she was done, she served herself a glass of wine and sat on the couch with her husband.

"I love you Ivan."

She said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you too Vik."

"Why do you still call me Viktoria?"

"I guess it just stayed. It is also an amazing face, since you are a queen it suits you well."

"Mm yeah nice speech Mr. Ivan."

"You are my peace Viktoria. I wouldn't trade this life with you for anything."

"That's good to hear, because you are stuck with me Ivan, till death do us apart."

"Till death do us apart, my love."

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