The Morning part 2

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It was funny how things from the past kept popping up in her mind lately. She remembered quite clearly that day by the stream. At the time she didn't really put too much importance on the event. She had felt strange but she remembered how Paco had been so kind and gentle and then once they arrived home their mother had been quite cross that they were late and wet, she had sent them up to their rooms to tidy up for lunch and I had all but forgotten what Pepe had said.

It was actually a few years later when her mother had passed away when she had been told the truth.

Carmen gazed at the old black and white picture of her beautiful mother, taking pride of place on the living room wall. Her mother had always been so beautiful, but Carmen always remembered her as being sad, in fact she couldn't really remember her ever smiling.  Carmen had only been 11 years old when her mother had passed away.

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