The Next Day

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The alarm rung out startling her awake. Carmen disliked waking up early. She had had to wake up at the crack of dawn for so many mornings when she had run her own shop that now she really enjoyed getting up when ever she wanted to and not before 9 am! 

She stretched out in bed and remembered her shop fondly. She had started with a car accessory shop, this was the early 80's and everyone decorated their cars enormously with banners, stickers, dangling things and funny sounding horns. After a couple of successful years she had decided to change to a clothes boutique, going to Madrid a few times a year, checking out the fashion shows and then buying selected items to bring back and sell in her shop. Then when the recession came in the early 1990's she knew if times were tough people wouldn't splurge on expensive clothes but would always find money for food, so she changed her shop completely and turned it into a delicatessen and small supermarket. Her shop was very successful and she survived the recession but had had to make very early starts as the fresh bread was delivered at 5 in the morning!

After her divorce she had been on her own for a while, but it was different. The decision to have a divorce was a mutual decision, not her's alone, she missed her daughters who had now gone to live in different countries and were starting their own lives. She had had a few friendships but then one day she met Hans. Oh adorable Hans.

Carmen snapped herself back to the present day. She had to shower and change quickly if she was going to make it to the bus in time.

She was looking forward to today, she still loved going into Malaga. A Malaga which was now so vibrant and beautiful, yet still maintained some of its former glory. She must choose some comfortable shoes, one thing with Malaga, there's lots of walking!

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