Chapter 1 death

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Jiang Quin look at her family who is her everything.She even betrayed her husband who dotted on her and after they get his husband and her property they decided to kill her.How pathetic my life is she thought .Yes she deserves it after what she had done to he husband.

Father Jiang laughed and said"you deserve it bitch .I hate you.I never love your mom ,I married her Just to get her asset and her company but your whore mom resister everything in your name so I don't kill you that time let alone your mom is killed by me".          

Jiang Quin recover from her socked ."Dad how can you do this I am your biological daughter for god sake ". Father Jiang said " ya you are my biological daughter but you must not come to this world because of you I almost lost my wife and daughter got that"
              Her step sister whom she thought as her own sister was laughing at her coldly and said "you bitch you take away the man I love you take away my family you bitch"With that she slap her hard that blood rushed out .

Then Father Jiang took out a gun from him and point towards her .Jiang Quin close her eyes and and wait for the bullet yes she deserved it after all the things she had done to her husband Mo Jing the love of her life ,she wish she can see him now for the last time .Then she heard the sound of the gun but she don't feel anything ,the she heard the ,she heard 10 time of the sound of the gun shooting but she never feel anything .

            She slowly opened her eyes and show the sight which socked her Mo Jing was there Full of blood now she understands why she didn't feel anything,because Mo Jing have took all her bullet and her family had also been killed by him.

Jiang Quin knelt down ,tears rolled down from her eyes and said"Mo Jing why ,why do you do this for me .I don't deserve this why"

            Mo Jing put his finger on her lips and said"Jiang Quin sorry for coming late in the past I don't have the courage to said I Love you .Quin all my property has been in your name go immediately from here and after that live happily with the man you love .I am sorry for being selfish and keeping you by my side I am really sorry will you forgive me. I felt in love for the first time I saw you in America.Quin you are very beautiful."With that Mo Jing died

            Jiang Quin said"Mo Jing you love me that much I don't deserve to live a ,I don't deserve your love.I am evil who lead you to this condition , who lead you to death .How can you say you love me " . With that she she took the gun from his hand and shoot at herself.

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