Mo Jing do you like me

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Song Mei replied"Thats great Mo Jing has also agreed to this marriage.Mo and you must spend more time together.MoJing accompany Jiang Quin." She smiled toward her son.

Mo Jing nodded and said"Jiang Quin I think we should be heading" He said with a smile.

Jiang Quin look at him.He smile at her and he lot so cute and hot too.She was too foolish in the past that she didn't notice how handsome he is.

Mo Jing guide Jiang Quin towards his car and open the door for her like a gentleman.

Jiang Quin said"So this limited car is yours.Its very nice I like it a lot."
She look around the car it looks elegant as well as luxurious.Great taste in car.

Mo Jing said"If you. Like it you can take it after all we are going to married"

So finally he said the word married.
Jiang Quin said"Mo Jing I mainly wanted to discuss about our marriage.We hardly know each other . Don't you worry that I will be some gold digger."

Mo Jing tightened when she mentioned that.Is she going to back out.But her last part of sentence amused him.
Mo Jing quickly replied"No I don't regards you as a girl like that."

"Mo Jing do you like me." Jiang Quin asked with an amused smile on her face of course she know the answer but she wants to hear it from his mouth.

Mo Jing said"Of course I like you" .He said honestly.
Jiang Quin did not expect that Mo Jing will replied  straight forward . They have met only once in this life time.She thought that he will keep silent and act as if she don't asked anything.She didn't expect
Mo Jing to be very straight forward.

Jiang Quin wanted to said I Love you but she restraint herself because it is too early for her.She turned towards Mo Jing

      and said "Mo Jing this is my first time meeting you .I can't say I like you but I am attracted towards you that I have never felt this with anyone"

Mo Jing felt relief to heard this word.That means he do have a change to make her fall in love .He don't expect her to say that he was attached to her.I am sure I am going to make her fall in love with me.

Mo Jing started driving and he is focusing towards the road but he felt some one gaze so he look at Jiang Quin .She was there looking at him but she quickly turned away when he look at her.A blush creep at her face.She look more beautiful when blush . That means he had an effect on her

Jiang Quin was enjoying the Beauty besides her  .He look serious when driving which help him to look hotter.But when Mo Jing look towards her and he caught her admiring him.She could not help but kept blushing. Who told him to be very handsome.

Jiang Quin said"Don't think that I am a prevent .I am just admiring the most beautiful God's creation.I think God must be rich in art while creating you"

When Jiang Quin said these only then she realised that she is flirting with him.

Mo Jing did not expect Jiang Quin to flirt with him but he like it .Mo Jing replied"Jiang Quin I would also like to taste God best creation."

Jiang Quin blurlly replied"Who told you that you cannot taste it .you must taste it and don't forget to share with me too".

Jiang Quin what is the best creation of God that Mo Jing want to taste.I hope he share it with me I would like to taste some too.

    Mo Jing smile and said"Jiang Quin if I taste it I am sure I will get a slap from you."

  Jiang Quin said"Mo Jing I will not slap you why will I okay tell me what is it ,how does it taste sweet,is it creamy"

   Mo Jing said "I have never tasted before "

Jiang Quin said "Mo Jing then what are you waiting for.lets go and taste soon."

Mo Jing said "Jiang Quin lets taste another time.You said you want to go shopping now we have reached"

   Jiang Quin took a deep breath and said"Mo Jing I am sorry I lied to you"

  Mo Jing could not speak what is she lying .Is she telling me that she didn't feel any attraction towards me.

   Jiang Quin look at Mo Jing .Is he going to be angry.Jiang Quin said "Mo Jing actually I don't want to go shopping.I have many clothes at home.I just want to be near you"

   Mo Jing suddenly feel warm in his heart.So this is the thing that she is lying . Can't she said directly to me.I am ready to accompany her till the end of the world.

    Mo Jing smile and said"it's okay"

   Jiang Quin said"Mo Jing you said that I am going to slap you when you taste the most beautiful creation of God.Is it that you want to taste my lips."

   Jiang Quin why do you say that.Don't you feel any embrass.Where has the cold Jiang Quin gone my subconscious said.

   Oh I have thrown to the Amazon river.

Mo Jing was stunned .Yes it is right to what you said.

   Then Jiang Quin continue "Mo Jing I don't mind about that"
Mo Jing was even stunned to heard that.

   Mo Jing  touch her cheeks and she did not even mind it.
  Jiang Quin further said"Mo Jing. But you. Can't do here.This is a public place .You can do it when we are alone"
When she said that she is blushing like anything else.
  Mo Jing really want to kiss her.He don't mind if it is public but of course he would not do it because Jiang Quin mind it.So he just nodded his head.

   "Mo Jing let's enjoy ourselves today "

"Alright but I am going to kiss you when there is no one"
   Now Jiang Quin is blushing."Sure"

   Both of them spend their day laughing.They feel like heaven . This is the first time both for Mo Jing and Jiang Quin to enjoy this must . Even thought Jiang Quin said that she had many clothes and jewellery but Mo Jing never listened and buy many clothes and jewellery.

  So finally it came the end of the day . They wanted to Stop the time.So Mo Jing is heading towards Jiang Quin to drop her and they finally reached there.Jiang Quin don't want to go inside and face with her fack family.
   Jiang Quin said "Mo Jing can you give me your number"
  Mo Jing said sure . Jiang Quin quickly took his number and save it as"hubby" .
She dailed his number and said" this is my number save it"
   Mo Jing said " Sure and the number that I gave you is my personal number so you can call me anytime"

Jiang Quin said "how many people did they have your personal number".

   " Not many except Mom Da and my grandparents and some of my friends"

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