Chapter 4 I will manage the Jiang business

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They all gathered at the dining room and started eating.

Jiang Quin suddenly said"Sorry everyone when I arrived you all are talking peacefully but I disturbed you all so you can carry on your discussion now.I won't disturbed all of you now."

At this time Jiang Fei said " Jiang Quin if we talk now about our discussion here then you will feel like an outsider as we are talking about business so instead let's talk about your boyfriend."

Hearing this Mo Jing chest tightened.
Did she had a boyfriend,did she love him.

At this time Jiang Quin act as if she is guilty and said " older sister I am so sorry that I tell you lie about having boyfriend , actually I have never date anyone .I am focusing on my study but you keep on telling me to have a boyfriend very soon as I am getting older so by the way sis you are older than me by 2 years so haven't you find anyone"

Jiang Quin remember when her sister always told to find a boyfriend but she lie to her sister that she had found one.She felt guilty at that time for lying to her but now she don't felt any guilty.

Mo Jing felt relief on hearing it.So it felt like Jiang family do not want Jiang Quin to marry to him but in place of her they want Jiang Fei.

Jiang Quin said "Dad the main purpose I came back is to manage the business."

Father Jiang was sock upon hearing that .
Jiang further continued"Dad you have become older and you are still managing my business.I am so glad to find a dad like you even though it is not your company you work very hard but from today on ward no need for that.Dad you don't need to go to company."

Mother Jiang became furious.What the hell for that company I have to share my husband.No never the company belong to her.

Jiang Fei was furious on hearing that but she clam down herself so that Jiang Quin will not get suspicious and said"Quin you have just come back from America and you don't know anything about our business .So it will be better I will manage it as dad is getting older."

Jiang Quin smile and said"Older sis how can I stick to all of you for my entire life.SinceI have 55% share of the company and it was established by my mother so I have to manage it.It is my responsibility ,if I have any doubt then I can ask you.So from today onward no one need to go to the company.I will manage it."

Song Mei was satisfied so finally the company established by her best friend with be in the hand of her daughter.
Song Mei said"Yes I think Jiang Quin is right and Quin if you had any difficult you can ask to Mo Jing also.Mo Jing you have to help her"

Mo Jing said"Sure mom I will help her."
Of course I will help her.I can be near her too.

Jiang Quin was happy at the thought that she can go near him.Jiang said"Aunty Mo Jing thanks"

Mo Jing smile and said"You are welcome"

At this time Jiang Fei was furious.Jiang Quin  how dare you try to steal my man.

   Their meal has been finished eating.Song. Mei said"  Jiang Quin you have just arrived to Beijing after a long time so why don't Mo Jing and you go to a tour.Mo Jing if Jiang Quin want to go somewhere please accompany her so that she won't get lost"

   Mo Jing said"sure Mom"

    At this time Jiang Fei was fuming and Jiang Quin feel happy . Jiang Fei you have done many things that should not be done so why don't I let you died with High Blood Pressure.That will be fantastic so she go near Mo Jing and said"Mo Jing thank you,so why don't we go to shopping first today itself  if you have time"

     Jiang Fei said" Jiang Quin don't act like a that  Mo Jing is the owner of the the Mo Cooperation and they are the biggest company so he may have many work to do so let him go."

     Jiang Fei said" if you want to go shopping I will accompany you"Father Jiang and Mother Jiang also nodded in agreement.Jiang felt helpless why can't they interfer with her life with Mo Jing.
   Mo Jing felt a little bit annoy.Why is she behaving like a caring sister ,she don't even send any driver to pick her up from the airport and lie to him also and they still have the face to act like that.

     Mo Jing replied gently" it's okay I can accompany her.I don't have work today"

  Jiang Fei was fuming.How can he agreed to it.

    Meanwhile Song Mei was happy to heard what her son said but she can't remove the bitterness in her heart of Jiang Fei.She smile and said"Jiang Quin and Mo Jing should try to adapt themselves as the are soon going to be married."
   Song Mei was little bit scare to utter this word because she don't like Jiang Quin to reject this marriage in front of her son.This is the marriage settled by Song Mei and Jiang Quin's biological mother.

     Song Mei said"Jiang Quin I am sorry that I don't told you about marriage.This is settled when your mom was still alive Don't worry I will treat you as my own daughter and Mo Jing-""

   Jiang Quin cut off"It's okay for me Aunty as long as Mo Jing agreed with it"

   Mo Jing was stunned to heard this.He didn't expect to heard this word but he was happy as Jiang Quin agreed to this marriage.He had love her for 7 years now finally She is going to be his only.

   Song Mei was cloud nine when she heard it.She didn't even expect that.

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