Chapter 6

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    I unbuckled my seat belt but I don't want to leave .l want to be near him.i feel warm and comfortable near him . Never in both my life I have not experienced this must warm and safe near someone.

    "Mo Jing I will leave let's meet again .I enjoy to be in company with you.I am looking forward for tomorrow .Can you ,if you are busy its okay."

  " No Jiang Quin I like spending time with you too .Ya sure let's meet again tomorrow"

   Jiang Quin say bye and give a quick kiss at his cheek and rush out .How did she do it .I can't Believe myself.But his cheek is so soft . Whatever he is soon going to be my husband so no problem.

   Mo Jing froze when Jiang Quin give him a kiss at his cheek .He felt warm inside his heart .But the girl had rushed out of his car by giving him a pick at his cheek .He can see her rushing towards the villa.With a smile Mo Jing drive back to his office .He remember how Jiang Quin enjoy his company and he also enjoy it.He had never feel this much happy.

   When Jiang Quin enter the house she found her fake family was at the living room .She was carrying many shopping bag . Seeing this she can see her step sister is fuming.

  Jiang Fei said"Jiang Quin how can you spend Mo Jing money like that .The Mo family will think that our family is a gold digger " How can she spend his money like that . Only Jiang Fei has the right to do that .

   Jiang Quin said "Older sister it is not like I like shopping but Mo Jing said that as I am going to be his wife so I must spend time more on shopping .So he buy all this for me." Yes of course Mo Jing insist to buy all this but she added some fuel to her fuming sister to know her place and to tell that she is soon going to be Mrs Mo.

      Jiang Fei soften and said"Jiang Quin you must know that Mo Jing is very rich and is also a great businessman , people like him like to keep their wife in the kitchen as a housewife ."

   "So older sister are you telling me to reject the wedding"

Jiang mother quickly replied"Yes"
    Jiang Fei said"Jiang Quin since you have stay at America you don't know about him very well . Jiang Quin many marriage has failed because they don't understand its other but only women suffer "

       Jiang Quin listened to what she said.Nothing have changed after rebirth just like the last life they are feeding her with their nonsense.Yes many marriage has failed due to lack of understanding between two couple but marrying with Mo Jing will never failed because he understand other but other can't understand him.

   Jiang Quin smile and said"Thank you older sister I will think about it very carefully about marriage and thank you again for the concerned"
    " Now I Felt sleepy so I will go to my room to sleep . Good night sis."   And have a nightmare I just hope for you Jiang Quin thought .She went inside her room and place all her shopping bag properly .

   First she have a bath and wear her night cloth .She still remember what her older sister said .Jiang Quin thought '  yes sister you are  right many marriage failed so I will try my best to make Mo Jing and my marriage be successful '

      She quickly took her phone and called Mo Jing .Mo Jing pick up at first ring ,so fast she had not prepared  what she should said .

      Jiang Quin took a deep breath and said"  Mo Jing after marriage are you going to make me stay at the house and be a housewife forever"

   Jiang Quin know that Mo Jing will never do that but she want to make aware of Jiang Fei and her father and stepmother are coming between their marriage .

  On the other side of the phone Mo Jing frown .Why will he do like that .He is not that type of person moreover he love her he will not force her to do anything that she didn't like .
Mo Jing said "No I will never do that "

       Jiang Quin was smiling on the other side .She knew that Mo Jing will say this then she said"But my mom ,sister and even said that every great businessman like their wife to be housewife to be confined in the kitchen and separate from the outside world "

   Mo Jing understand now this so called good for nothing family is doing all this .The are trying to seperate Jiang Quin from him.Mo Jing replied" Jiang Quin I will tell you one thing that I like  you and respect you and I will never force you to do anything that you don't want and I want to marry you not because I need a housewife for the kitchen but because I want to walk along will You for the rest of my life "

    Jiang Quin feel touch to what he reply .Yes she had expected this from him but directly speaking to her she felt warm inside her heart  "okay Mo Jing thank you so much for being like that .I felt very lucky to have you so see you tomorrow . Good night sweet dreams.And dream for me and I will also dream for you"

Mo Jing replied "Yes good night sweet dreams"
   Jiang Quin keep smiling .Ahh I look like a teenage girl having in a relationship for the first time .Yes of course this is her
First time in relation and also her last time.

Jiang Quin you must sleep early or else you will look ugly and will bring shame to Mo Jing when he introduced you as his fiancee.Jiang Quin smile and drift off to sleep.


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